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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Mine is 1600 x 600 x 600mm and out of ply. I use a 100 watt ceramic heater and thermostat at one end and set at 30 deg C, a good quality uv tube and auto timer.try to get UV and heat in the same location so thet get UV when basking in the heat. Best to have driftwood or similar to get them within 300mm of the UV without getting burned on the heater.
  2. If that doesn't work try wunder tonic---it contains 4 ingredients each of which will control itch
  3. Nothing wrong with pink. Some of my best friends are pink.
  4. You don't want a compressor. They give a small volume of air at a high pressure. What you want is an airpump that will give a large volume of air at a moderate pressure.
  5. They are designed to work on mains pressure. Check to see if the ball is leaking or the washer needs replacing. I assume your toilet cistern works OK ---same thing.
  6. Anyone else get the one about the petbus owners being stranded in the Philippines? They are busy. They would not go to all the trouble if there were no suckers out there. You can't get suckered if you are not greedy.
  7. Has the roof ever been treated for moss?
  8. alanmin4304

    Hey Hey

    Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  9. It is all relative. My first full time pay was three pounds something for a week. :sage:
  10. The mixture I use was taken (and altered slightly) from the formulae used to culture the drosophila at canterbury university, where I scored my first ones many moons ago. The advantage is that if you get the formulae right you can turn a new container upside down on to a full one and the flies will crawl up in to it and leave the rubbish behind. Once you have made a batch of the dry mix up it will store for years in a sealed container and it is easy to make up a bit of mix as required. It is similar to that used by biosuppliers.
  11. I use plastic screw top containers with a hole cut in the top and the lid screwed down over fine curtain netting available from the likes of spotlight. Breeding fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) As with most things in fish keeping there are a lot of ways to do things. This includes breeding fruit flies and the right way to do it is the way that works for you. Here is an explanation of the way that I do it. I get screw topped jars from the plastic wholesalers shop as they seem to recycle a lot longer than the ones you buy from the pet shop and punch holes in the lid so they can breath (best done when the lid is warm so it does not split). Fine curtain fabric is placed under the lid to keep the flies in the container. The recipe for the media has some strange measurements as it has been converted from American measurements to grams and the flies don't seem to mind. Mix the following as a dry powder and store in a preserving jar or airtight container until required. Sugar 284 grams Wheat or rice starch 86 grams Samolena 114 grams Dry brewers yeast 86 grams Agar agar 60 grams Methyl Paraben 3 grams Agar agar can be purchased from an Asian Wholesaler as it is used to make jellies for Chinese New Year and is in convenient sachets. They are a few dollars each and seem to vary from about 7 to 30 grams for a similar price so look around. Methyl paraben is methyl hydroxybenzoate and is available through your local chemist. It is about forty odd dollars for 100 grams but goes a long way. Get the chemist to take two small containers that are the same and weigh 3 grams into one. When you make up the mix just fill the other one to the same level. Make sure you retain the original.This may be replaced with about a teaspoon of sodium benzoate from the home brew shop. Brewers yeast is available in bulk from binn inn Take 85 grams of the mix and add 225 grams of cold water and stir continuously over low heat until it thickens to the consistency of runny porridge. Pour into empty containers (will do 2-4) and allow to cool and solidify. The excess moisture that forms on the inside can be wiped off with a paper towel when cooled. You will need to make sure the inside has no excess moisture or the flies don't survive and breed. They will dry by themselves if left and will still be OK so long as you don't dry them out too much. When cool and dry add flies. I find it best to add newly hatched ones as they seem to breed better. Place in a warm place and wait. They will breed OK at about 20 degrees C . If kept too warm (late 20s plus) they will reproduce quicker but will also grow wings and be a right pain. The maggots are white, then form an amber coloured chrysalis which becomes almost black when the flies are about to hatch. The more flies you start with the more you will breed. You can feed out the flies you have used to start the colony after they have been in there about a week. Or you can leave them to hopefully lay more eggs. What are you feeding?
  12. Crushed metal is obviously gravel crushed. It is used for purposes such as roading and supporting drains because the sharp edges lock together and it is more stable. I never use it because of the sharp edges---it is really bad for grubbing fish like corries. I have used it as a first course over undergravel filters but always finished with river warn material. Down this way everything is greywacke which is pretty inert so good to use.
  13. Welcome. There are people with good knowledge of what you propose on this site and I am sure they will assist.
  14. Orks can't see over them thar hills. Not real hills, just pretend ones.
  15. One day old hi yellow. Incubated at 31.7 deg C I think I am a boy but I is not sure yet.
  16. It is where your subsidises electricity comes from.
  17. Be polite to our strain friends as they may be providing our president one day.
  18. I love the way they have mixed up their marine angels with fresh water.
  19. Got mine yesterday but haven't read it yet.
  20. Gm and dyed fish are banned from import and likely to stay that way for a while yet I would think. So long as MPI have the nouse to know what is GM.
  21. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  22. Your UV will clean up free floating algae in the water column but will not do a lot for the other types of algae. Getting a good balance of light, Co2 and ferts is your best bet. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
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