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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. That is the part I find hard to get hold of. Christianity and Islam still hold to a lot of the old beliefs even when their profit spoke out against them. For instance if there is a conflict between and eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and turning the other cheek it is all about reaching for the eye gauging and tooth pulling equipment. The more devout and fundamental they are the more they go back to jewish teaching---doesn't make sense to me. Islam is pretty similar, there are often 2 views expressed but they become hell bent on going with half of it.
  2. They all were influenced by others that were around at the time or came before. Cultures that mix tend to blend.
  3. The ten comandments are simple rules that allow any society to function and are pretty much the rules in any society that functions reasonably--they are nothing magic. The biggest problem I have is that fundamentalist christians, muslims and others are getting more and more extreme and less tolerant of other human beings and their beliefs. Virtually all the wars and genecide in the last few centuries have been over religion and intolerence of other peoples beliefs. I find it amusing how many people laugh at some peoples belief in tanawhas (which might hold up construction of a moterway etc) but they believe in saints, angels, gods and devils and cannot see the similarities. Each to their own.
  4. alanmin4304


    Love the expression on the wee guys face.
  5. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  6. The interesting thing is how many religions that preceeded christianity had similar stories to tell. Miraculous births, 12 deciples, miracles, death and reserection after 3 days, 3 wise men following a star. The best part is the people who call themselves christians but want to quote to you from the old jewish teachings before christ---much of which he spoke out against. I would have thought that Christians would have followed the teachings of Christ. If you want a laugh listen to Michael Laws on talkback radio (who claims to be a practicing Anglican (which is RC without a pope) and here him laugh at the brown fellas that come on in the afternoon and believe in Tanawhas.So who believes in mythology?
  7. If they are breeding now it will be January/February before babies are availabe and a long time after that before you can sex them and even longer before you can breed them
  8. Once they start they can keep throwing up flowers for a while, then they might die back for a while but will come away again. You can move the flowers or leave them to drop but do not gravel vac as the can take up to a year to germinate. They like good light and a rich media. A few people have bred them recently, my experience goes back a ways.
  9. I have never dealt with what minerals build up in a fish tank and what are utilized by plants. I have dealt with wetland sewage treatment and the disposal of sewage solids to forrestry. In both of these cases it is the nitrate that is the factor that controls the level of applcation as everything else is by far less of a problem. There may be no real problems with the buildup of other compounds even though nitrate is not particularly toxic to fish but can be a problem to some humans and hence the desire to control the levals in drinking water. I can't remember the plant but it was in those days a class A noxious weed and a reed that was used in wetland treatment and it all happened in the root zone.
  10. You are not suggesting Africans are cute and cuddly. There is probably more spent on feeding cats and dogs than kids in NZ. Why worry if they are not going to vote or march on parliament.
  11. Which further concentrates the remaining minerals
  12. They are a bit thick. They do not recognise standing water and will dehydrate to death by a bowl of water. When you give them a bath, as they move so does the water and they will then often drink. I understand they absorb water through the skin and through the vent also. They probably get moisture from dew in the morning in nature.
  13. I made my tanks 600x600 because that was the maximum I could reach to the back of the tank comfortably.
  14. But what about everything else?
  15. Better off without them. I think the gas is air trapped in the chalk.
  16. nitrate is only one of the compounds added to the water by the fish.
  17. They are Ausies so you can lead them to water...... Plenty of fresh moist salad, spray with warm water and bath them if you think are are looking a bit dehydrated. When I spray the babies I put them in a plastic container so the enclosure remains dry. Give them a bath in warm water in the laundry tub.
  18. I have no idea of problem. Can't get mine to drink from a dish at all. Doesn't sound too good.
  19. Any sort of peanut butter would ruin my morning.
  20. I have never used it as a bath. I think it would be a bit risky with that many different meds in it.
  21. When I was growing a lot of plants I grew a lot of that. Easy to grow in a cloche but it needs to be managed and most people sell it too big. It has a massive root system and grows like convolvulus. You break up the roots and plant them out but pick off the shoots when they have 3 small leaves (then it looks like a little plant rather just a giant leaf) at that stage it will convert with good light.
  22. Not direct--as per instructions. It is a coctail but I am not sure if the relative strengths are up to the job. Best to aim for the lowest concentraton of the least toxic chemical that actually does the job.
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