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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. What a coincidence. More chance of winning lotto---must get a ticket.
  2. Who created the creator's creator's creator? There is something like 250 functions that the simplest cell requires to survive. If you work out statistically what the chances are of that popping out of a pea soup you might be surprised. Some people like to believe in intelligent design rather than god the creator. Each to their own.
  3. Some of their myths and legends make a lot of sense. The tanawha in the swamp would stop a lot of kids from drowning and the tribes that came here riding on a whale probably followed the same route as the migrating whales. I would think the whales would have figured out the easiest route to head back down south via NZ---they would have made the trip a few times. It is claimed Waitaha first landed at Tahunanui which is in line with the whales route back south and through Cook Straight.
  4. I have a friend who converted to catholicism because he decided he had run out of guilt.
  5. He must have been the first of the peers that didn't know wether he was coming or going.
  6. Adam and Eve were not vegetarian. They lived on apples and dinasaurs. A good thing the boat was big enough.
  7. 5000 years ago the world was flat and held up by elephants and turtles---them were the days. Now we know for sure that it is round, created in 6 days is 6000 years old and all the worlds animals were rescued in a big boat. As well as that we know that tanawhas are mythology and we are going to allow people to start there own schools to educate our kids in these truths. We have progressed a lot since the wourld was flat. It will be your kids and your money. Don't vote it only encourages them
  8. Great aquarium. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  9. It's a little like the very true saying: 60% of heroin addicts were breast fed.
  10. The worst part is that most people die in bed, so were you gunna sleep now?
  11. I don't bother because I don't think I am that important or interesting that everyone needs to know what I am up to all the time. No point in spilling your guts to the world unless you are god's mother in law.
  12. Nuclear power would be great. We could bury the waste in the Canterbury plains---easy digging and never have earthquakes.
  13. Have no fish at the moment but there is someone down here breeding a few so they should be on trademe from time to time. (pauljones)--has N. guentheri and A. australe (gold) on there at the moment but has quite a few others he is breeding.
  14. It is as you say bad to lump all people together and say they are all bad. As an example I have a friend who is a bishop in the morman church, knows I do not accept his views and has never once tried to convert me. He is in Australia now but used to often ask what I thought about things in order to get another view. As you well know not all muslims are wearing explosive vests even though many would have us believe that.
  15. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  16. I hope they do get it right. Takes a lot of energy to get hydrogen from water without making petrol, but good luck if they can.
  17. There will be no booze left after four hours of cooking---only the flavour.
  18. It can result in a person having a remarkable attitude to life and death though. A friend drowned when he was a kid and all he says is he saw the light. He is the most focused single minded person I have met and has absolutely no fear of life or death. His aim is to do one thing every day that absolutely scares him.
  19. You cannot cancel. The posts you have made will remain. As stated, do not return if you are not happy and I hope you enjoy your other site.
  20. That would be a good idea. Your posts are getting to the stage where you are likely to get a formal warning. You may not be aware but people that are trying to help you are very experienced salties.
  21. The scary bit is that about the only church buildings not munted in the quakes were the Jehovahs, seventh days, scientologists and the mosque---there could be a message there from above.I think the two main cathedrals got whacked bad so you have to wonder what they did wrong.
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