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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. They can take a year to germinate so don't gravel vac.
  2. Local authorities are empowered to make bylaws by the Local Government Act. Many are now doing away with a lot of the bylaws and using the RMA as the penalties are far greater. There is no future in prosecuting someone and getting a twenty dollar fine and then the bill comes in from the lawyers at a couple of grand. They are also using it instead of the nuisance section of the Health Act for the same reason. Christchurch City has got rid of many of their bylaws now.
  3. When I built the tank I contacted pilkingtons to get the required thickness for the glass and the answer was a steel frame and somewhere near an inch thick. I ignored that and used euro bracing. Must be near 40 years old now and still out in the garage holding water.One problem is that the water can get into the gap between the layers of glass if not careful. I left laminated glass out in the rain for a while. This has never been a problem on any tank I made and I have used it on the base of a few tanks as well. An advantage is that if the glass breaks it will be a slow leak wereas if you use toughened glass it will be all over the floor in an instant along with heaps of glass shards.
  4. It is all relative. I have put more than 12 fish into an uncycled tank. The more fish, the bigger or more delicate the fish as well as the smaller the tank then the more frequent the water changes. No one will convince me that cycling with fish is cruel if it is done properly.
  5. Glosso grows very readily emersed. I used to grow it in a shallow tray on potting mix in the glasshouse. Just keep the roots wet.
  6. You could pay those prices for good quality orandas
  7. I would leave them. The eggs look good.
  8. It may or may not be bollocks but it is the law. You would be unwise to advertise on a public forum that you have illegal animals if that is the case. It has been mentioned that they are not permitted in the Auckland region many times in the past on this site.
  9. They can grow to over a metre in the wild so it is unlikely they will breed before they are big enough to get to kindy.
  10. If you had them before the bylaw came in you can keep them but you cannot breed them, sell them, etc. If you bought them after the bylaw came in they are illegal.
  11. Methylene blue is useful to slow the spread of fungus on infertile eggs when the eggs have been removed from from the parents or vickyvocky. The parents usually clean the eggs and remove the infertile ones if they are looking after them.
  12. You can have the steel but please send the firewood to me.
  13. It is Hygrophila corymbosa stricta or angustifolia (aka salicifolia). The leaves are a little too narrow for the first and too wide for the latter.
  14. Please add your location to your profile and that may make it easier for people to help you. I hope you are successful in getting what you want.
  15. I built a tank many moons ago, comletely enclosed in a cabinet and to go in a restaurant. I thought if some drunken idiot smashed into it there would be a major disaster so I made the front panel of laminated glass. I can't remember the thickness (about 12 odd mm I think). It was never used in that way because the place went broke before it even opened so I had it at home for years. I still have it out in the garage as the glass got scratched. The back and ends were mirrored glass and it looked great when well planted. I nearly freaked when I was told that it was only as strong as the thickness of one piece of the glass.
  16. Welcome. Sorry I can't see the pics.
  17. It may depend on how many predators you put in the tank.
  18. Be aware that "wasting disease" is also a sign that can present with Piscene Tuberculosis. The safest thing is to where waterproof gloves. This is the main reason for the requirement to wear gloves when dealing with fish in quarantine.
  19. I understand that beardies are not able to sense heat on the underside so I have never used heated rocks or the like. Not sure if that is the case but I have stayed away from it just in case.
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