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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Many of those type of stands failed during the quakes. Generally the legs crumpled at the bottom. I had one in a shed (not storing tanks)where the legs went at the base. There is now a bar at the bottom which was not there on the old ones.
  2. If you feed them well they will probably go again in 10 to 14 days. Learn how to hatch brine shrimp--- it is a skill worth learning.
  3. You can feed microworm but it is not as good as live nuplii. Their instinct is to snap at anything the right size that is moving. You can also get freeze dried nuplii but it does not move. They will do well if you feed live nuplii. Chances are they will eat them. I have bred thousands of angels and always removed them. They have good genetics so should not be hard to sell.
  4. I was just about to say that the pearl scale was a male when I read your last post. There should be some good looking offspring. If you want babies you should remove the leaf with the eggs to another bare tank, put a small lead weight on the bottom and an air stone in the front of the eggs. Don't feed them until they are free swimming then feed them on live brine shrimp nuplii.
  5. Vallisneria spiralis gets its name because of the spiralling flower stem. The leaves may have a very slight twist but not to the extent of the plants in the picture. This plant is permitted.
  6. Bad time of the year for posting eggs.
  7. alanmin4304

    Hi all

    Welcome and enjoy.
  8. I agree with both above. Spider plant is usually sold as wheat grass. Neither are aquatics.
  9. alanmin4304

    Pond Liner

    Get a quote for someone to buy and install. They only payout down here, both private and EQC.
  10. alanmin4304

    Pond Liner

    We had concrete drive and damaged fencing repaired by the private insurer.
  11. alanmin4304

    Pond Liner

    I think a pond would be covered by your private insurer.
  12. alanmin4304

    Pond Liner

    They tried to tell us that a lot of stuff was not caused by the quakes but in the end they admitted that it was. You just have to keep at them.
  13. alanmin4304

    Pond Liner

    Can they prove that it is not?
  14. alanmin4304

    Barrie M

    Great to hear from you again.
  15. There are a number of plants called "oxygen weed" but the only one you can legally keep is Elodea Canadensis. It is in most of the streams down this way and would think it would be the same up your way. Hook a bucket full for free out of one of the local streams.
  16. Elodea Canadensis is the plant sold in pet shops as "oxygen weed and is permitted to be kept and sold. It is in most rivers and streams around this way.
  17. Not a good choice of plant it seems. What is the nature of your proposed experiment? We may be able to help by suggesting a more suitable plant.
  18. Have to agree. The golds are even worse---hence you don't see a lot of either and they are not cheap.
  19. If you only have a small tank and you want more light a cool daylight energy saving bulb or a cool white LED bulb with a Chinese hat reflector would be a cheap and effective answer. Don't forget that grandad used candles.
  20. Rotala rotundifolia, Ambulia, cabomba
  21. If you ask the moderators they can remove it for you.
  22. They look like leeches. Can't say I have seen them before or know anything about them. Sorry.
  23. I can't tell from the picture what they are other than black dots. A larger picture of the offending article would help.
  24. I think I have a couple about the same age. That is if they are Japanese.
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