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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. OH but it is so exciting and instantaneous.
  2. Why would you want to read an article written by some experienced person when you can get an instant reply from some well meaning but inexperienced person on facebook.
  3. Are the albinos bronze or sterbai? If the are happy I would leave it there and buy another tank to raise the babies that are bound to be produced.
  4. You may be getting to the stage where the smaller ones will become lunch. Might pay to look at storing the eggs for a while in Peat so they all hatch at the same time.
  5. alanmin4304


    You and the kids sound like you will all do well with this hobby.
  6. when I go onto the site each post I have not read is marked as such. Works for me ---no headaches yet.
  7. alanmin4304


    Welcome to the site and hobby. My guess is that you are doing a natural cycle with the tank just as grandfather used to do before someone decided it was cruel to cycle naturally. If you continue to add fish slowly everything should go well. I used to have a fish house with 60 tanks and bred 50000 tropical fish a year and I have always cycled tanks naturally by adding fish slowly and allowing the system to adjust.
  8. I only text on my phone also (doesn't even take pictures) but welcome to the site and good luck with your new hobby. I am sure there will be a 7 year old on here that can help with your phone---AT 71 I have little knowledge of these matters and little enthusiasm for learning. Have bred a few fish though.
  9. More to the point. If you could find a way to stop them from hatching you may well become rich and famous.
  10. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  11. I unfortunately cannot see much in your pics. Make sure you are not dealing with saprolegnia (actual fungus) as a result of injury from being bullied. If you increase the dose of wunder tonic be aware that too much acriflavine can kill your plants and stain things and that malachite green can kill neons. Salt will cure both but plants don't like it too much (2 teaspoons/gallon for 30 minutes. It is likely that columnaris was in the tank and most tanks and really only takes off with acid conditions and high temperatures and fungus as a result of injury.
  12. If it is columnaris then you need to dose the whole tank as the bacteria will be all through it.
  13. Whenever someone has megabucks spare and the experts available to convince MPI that what you want to import will not survive in the wild, bring in diseases that will ruin the country or will take over the country as some other animals and plants have (such as rabbits, rats, possums, gorse, broom, nasella tussock etc)
  14. Killies are not generally suitable as a community fish. Most are pretty nippy with other species. You can keep a tank of all males (either Nothos or other groups). They are like teenage boys---all bluff and bull but not a lot of damage done. The aim is to keep each strain straight so not a good idea to mix pairs of different types.
  15. Cameron at petworld or Rodney Fletcher build tanks I believe.
  16. I agree with above. The tank is overloaded and this will ensure that the fish are not happy. Overfeeding also causes stress on the fish because the excess food causes bacterial blooms that use up a lot of the oxygen.
  17. I used to breed 50000 tropical fish a year in a previous life and always bred tetras in rainwater without a problem. You need water with even less mineral content to breed rummy nose or cardinal tetras. I have a friend that breeds them in water from a dehumidifying unit without a problem. No doubt the mineral content increases as you start feeding the babies.
  18. Discus can be tricky but cardinals live longer than neons and rummies would be OK too. We have frogs and they seem to do best in rainwater (If you want to avoid the heaters.)
  19. Rainwater would be ideal for fish that like soft acid water such as tetras.
  20. You actually need a small rise in ammonia to feed the extra bacteria that will eventually feed on and remove the extra ammonia produced by the extra fish. It is a living system and it is all about balance.
  21. The plants the shops sell are Elodea cannadensis aka Canadian water pest. I suspect that it is allowed because there is so much about that they would never get rid of it.
  22. Know the feeling. Hope you don't have too much damage.
  23. Compliments of the season to yaall. May your god go with you.
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