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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Either or both would be good as many plants are sold commercially after being grown emersed. Particularly if you have pictures which are not represented on the data base at present or pictures that you think are better than those presently there.
  2. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  3. To be sure about the method of construction of the apartment you can go to the council office and ask to see the plans for it. Best to ring first and ask where they are held.
  4. Siphon them out and put them in a bare tank with mainly water from the original tank if that is possible. Feed Artemia nuplii and microworm.
  5. There are a few there. Good luck.
  6. Live Artemia nuplii every time you walk past the tank and water change on the way back.
  7. banana is high in phosphorus and should be fed sparingly strawberries are high in oxelates and are the same spinach is high in Vit A & oxelates and the same lettuce has poor nutritional value mealworms are high in fat Celery is good if chopped finely dandelion leaves are cheap and good as a staple. High phosphorus or oxelates inhibits calcium absorption Fat soluble Vitamins like A can accumulate and become toxic
  8. I hope I have not missed the point, but: They are designed to stop the water from the aquarium flowing back towards the CO2 supply. They are not designed to prevent the fermenting mixture from a DIY CO2 plant entering the aquarium.
  9. Hope you enjoy your time here.
  10. I think if you tell the airline they will charge you about $170 but if you don't, security don't worry. Bit of a problem realy. You can send by fastpost if you pack them well and don't tell the postie, or by courier if you can find one that will take them. Pet bus is out there as well.
  11. Only use carbon for a specific purpose then dump it.
  12. Could be a good time to practice your negotiating skills
  13. I think all reptiles that have it are pretty intermittant excreters and of course when you get a negative result it only means that the lab was not able to culture the bacteria at that time from that sample.
  14. Actually the research done recently by a member on this forum indicates that salmonella is a lot more common in bearded dragons than red eared sliders.
  15. Most natives need strong light to survive.
  16. To the best of my knowledge there has not been a fatal case of methemogloinemia in NZ but I am sure that a lot of people have got sick from worrying about nitrate in the water supply. There are a lot of prerequirements for it to be a problem and most healthy foods like spinach are high in nitrates. Nitrite is used in the manufacture of pickled pork, bacon and ham.
  17. How high is the nitrate in your water supply?
  18. Go on admit it. There is Irish in there some where.
  19. Basically, if there is only one male and one female of a species in the country---best to breed them and worry about the family tree later. Many fish and reptiles live in colonies which are reasonably closely related. If there are a lot of members in the colony there is the chance of having a more diverse gene pool but with many colonies they can be quite closely related for many generations. Many colonies of native lizards remain in a very small geographic location and have interbred for probably centuries and each group will have developed slightly different characteristics only found in that group and a short distance away will be another slightly different colony. If kiilifish are in a small pool--which many are (the name killi is Dutch for a small pool) they have no chouice but to breed with their cuzzies. Haven't come across any yet that behave like Hillbillies. Met a few people that do.
  20. Us Ngai Tahu call them very expensive unless in Kaikoura
  21. Way to go. May solve the saga .
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