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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Keep your eye out for a young lady dancing around the parrot cages at Orana Park and pretending to be a fairy while singing at the top of her voice.
  2. You don't need a hide, they will bask most of the day anyway. Do you have UV, powersave light and heat emitter on a thermostat?
  3. Tropical fish get both. If antibiotics don't work it is viral Many years ago the goldfish in NZ were pretty full of aeromonus. I had a friend who was a bacterologist do some probing and he came up with aeromonas but did not serotype it. He did a full range of antibiotic resistance tests and found that Bactrim was the cheapest that was effective and could be used at quite a few times the normal dose with safety. Aeromonas bacteria are frequently in the soil. It is a prescription only drug so the cheapest option would be to try furan2. Otherwise off to the vet.
  4. Cabomba carolina green, Cabomba palaeformis-red. The red is encouraged in the latter by limiting the nitrate.
  5. We don't get mynah down here---aren't we lucky.
  6. Add some iron and get better lighting. Fluviatilis and sellowiana are both available in NZ---just ask your local pet shop to order green and red pine.
  7. Moisture seems to help--either bath or shower.
  8. Mayaca fluviatilis--red pine Mayaca sellowiana--green pine. For those that think red pine is Rotala wallichii please convert some red pine to emersed and flower it. See if it has white flowers rather than the normal rotala flowers then write and article for the magazine to follow the article on Cardamine/Hydrocotyle.
  9. Cloudy ammonia is cloudy because there is other stuff in there other than ammonia. Bleach is HTH solution---chlorine, not ammonia. Just plant the tank out and add fish slowly so the bacteria can catch up with the load. There are products available which will add bacteria to spead the process a bit.
  10. I have converted wallichii on three occasions and flowered it and it has always turned out to rotundifolia. Red and green pine are just different types of Mayaca
  11. It would be OK on a small tank provided you could get tubes suitable for plant growth (if that was your aim)
  12. The water supply is required to be below 11.3mg/l (ppm w/v) to meet the water supply guidlines from the Ministry of Health and suppliers would be aiming way below that for a safety factor. Are you sure there are no fertilizers in your peat?
  13. Only if you have a thing about eating plastic.
  14. It looks like a wound but hard to tell from the picture.
  15. Send the gold ones to me and I will replace them with safe ones.
  16. They were used as a source of copper and were removed when the snails left the water to escape the copper. Used to treat whitespot and velvet. I wouldn't use them. It is a bit like puting a bottle of poison in there and hoping the cork does not come loose.
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