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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. The leps are a lot easier to look after than beardies I think. You put a dish of calcium and one of water and they take what they need. Beardies you have to spray or bath as most don't recognise standing water and you have to put calcium on their food. I add a little vitamins to the calcium for leps and spray vitamins on the veg for beardies. If you can get them males of course don't have egg problems.
  2. Same here. Very convenient if they don't decide to make the location the calcium dish.
  3. Cats and dogs have a few issues as well. I would hate to think how many native animals are killed every day by cuddly lil pussies and look how many kids are being done over by dogs
  4. Beardies and leps realy need live food. It is the best way to get them off their lazy backsides and get a bit of excersise. They would be a lot more active in the wild as food is not so easy to get at.
  5. I agree with Insect Direct. People need to do some homework before buying any pet. Most shops employ pretty unskilled people at the minimum wage and require them to sell as much as possible.
  6. I don't know how it is in Wellywood but down here if you find young ones born late in the season they can be in trouble as they probably don't have enough condition to hibernate and are running around trying to find food when there is not much about. We found one last year that was covered in mange and not well at all. Took it to the rescue lady but she didn't give it much of a chance.
  7. I would. There will be plenty of work for architects down here provided they are not set on building high rise.
  8. I was OK as I was in Tauranga. My partner was home and said things went OK, but daughter in Templeton (between Rolleston and Christchurch) dived under the table. I think people in Rolleston would have got a shakeup. We have only had 6000 aftershocks--better than the amusement park and half the price. As he gets set to move out of the house with all the furniture and animals so they can do some repairs.
  9. I can tell you that the best breeders of tropical fish in nz are unlikely to have a relevent degree (some do but very few) and you have to travel a long way to even find a vet that knows much about reptiles. You are getting very good advice here from some of New Zealands best keepers and breeders of reptiles. Also a good test of how many there are about is the price they sell for and water dragons are not expensive at the moment, probably cheaper or similar to beardies. My beardies and leps are brumating at the moment because they chose to and I figure they know more about it than me or the prof.
  10. I have beardies and leps and with both I only handle them enough so they can be handled without going into shock. They are a solitary animal and only come together in the wild to fight or mate. Beardies will spend a lot of time basking during the day and seldom move apart from chasing live food. Leps spend most of the day in a hide and are most active morning and night. I would seriously suggest that if you want to cuddle a pet , get a kitten, even though I much prefer the reptiles. My guess is that by next breeding season beardies and leps will be about the same price, water dragons and bluies cheaper and tortoises about as silly as this season. Red eared turtles are becoming a throw away pet but snake necks and reeves are treated with a bit more respect because of the cost.
  11. I had a great time and many thanks to all those that helped so much with the conference and everything else as well. Cheers to you all.
  12. alanmin4304


    Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  13. Good practice for the coast to coast.
  14. The old saying works pretty well. Feed them every time you walk past the tank and water change on the way back. With bare bottom tanks you can afford to overfeed a bit if you siphon the excess off before feeding again. Good water gives good growth and fins. Short burned off fins in angels is bad water and overcrowding.
  15. The fin damage is caused by bad water conditions. Large tanks and lots of water changes is the answer.
  16. Tail is a bit thin what have you been feeding it? Try polyglue
  17. Don't forget to collect the seeds.
  18. I am breeding pandas in a tank of about 25 litres and 23-24 degrees. Bare tank and sponge filter, put in an artificial plant and remove when eggs are laid.
  19. Most fish can survive a small load of parasites and be OK if kept in good conditions and not stressed. It may be that it was something other than worms that killed your fish.
  20. Take a trip over the alps would be your best bet.
  21. Welcome and enjoy your time here. Don't forget the aquatic plants and leave enough room for the reptiles.
  22. There was only one I am aware of. I think it was a gardneri.
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