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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Adding baking soda to the CO2 mix will do nothing to the pH in the tank. If you add peat and CO2 to you tank they will both lower the pH. It will not be a problem, that is what happens when you do what you are doing.
  2. The black bands tend to end up as more concentrated areas of the black dots. It is also claimed that the higher the incubation temperature the less black so males should have less black.
  3. Brumation may help the females produce eggs and the male to get the idea.
  4. Each female will only lay 2 eggs at a time so only possible to have 2 from a clutch.
  5. Brumation tends to increase fertility.
  6. What I need now is a male of the same quality.
  7. Not for sale--have two the same and same as mother. Fertility rates terrible last season but hope to get it up this coming season. My breeders were raised from juvies to adult without added D3 or UV and are all OK. Whatever works is good. I have been adding calcium and D3 to food with these two.
  8. One of mine I am keeping back (10 week old female)
  9. Didn't get much sleep but thankfuly didn't throw water out of the tanks. Have got rid of all the fish and plants so now better get rid of the water. Have been told we will need to remove everything from the house so they can repair it but being their usual helpful selves they have no idea when that will be. New task ---empty tanks ready for removal and relocate reptiles.
  10. When does gst kick in and is there any duty?
  11. Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your time here.
  12. Of the ones I have seen, it looks great.
  13. She looks what is sold as hi yellow but I think is actually low black (less density of black spots. There seems to be quite a variation in the tail colours of them.
  14. A lot of problems with shedding can be caused by them not being able to dry their shell out properly. This can be helped by having the top of the tank well ventilated and having a heat lamp for them to bask under. Many pet shops are pretty good at selling a turtle tank to people by puting a shelf in one designed for fish with the top sealed up rather than ventilated.
  15. If you are buying box section the cheaper stuff is thinner walled and in the quakes I have seen a number of these fail. Usually the legs buckle and the whole thing falls over. When I got mine built for the fish house I used Heavy guage 50 x about 40 I think, then got it hot dip galvenised. Have a talk to Cameron at pet world. I think stainless is more expensive than you need. He also uses an insulating material that has slip resistance and a lip to stop the tank from sliding. He was setting up planted and marine tanks when I was there yesterday.
  16. The first thing with keepng most lizards is to check that you either have very deep pockets or you have learned the techniques for culturing your own insects.
  17. Check that they are not overfeeding.
  18. In a previous life I had 9 albinos raised from tadpoles. 6 were healthy females, One was a healthy male, one was a runty female and the last looked like the hunchback of Notre Dame. I assumed the last was one I had pulled from the mouth of a sibling but in fact it may have been genetic. Bred albino to albino and only got about 6 tadpoles, all but one were too weak to get out of the jelly and the other lived about 2 weeks. Might be a good idea to switch to leucistics on trademe.
  19. What are you going to use for permanent bracing?
  20. It also has quinine if I remember correctly. You don't need to add anything realy, it just helps to slow the spread of fungus from infertile eggs.
  21. There is nothing at all wrong with using the hot tap. Some people are worried about copper but our cylinder has been working since 1945 and if copper was going into solution there would be no cylinder left by now. Reticulated local authority water supplies are kept slightly alkaline to avoid the corrosion of copper and brass.
  22. Wunder tonic has quite a few other things as well. Can use meth blue, acriflavine or malachite green.
  23. If you are doing regular water changes it would be OK to do a 90% water change if you get rid of the chlorine and chloramines and the temperature is about the same. The chemistry of the water should not be a lot different if the water changes are regular. I have done that many times.
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