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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. The best way to make sure they have stopped eating is to stop giving them food.
  2. You cut it so it is about 10 mm bigger than the tank in each direction then you fold the edges to form a shallow tray that will just fit neatly into the tank and then you place it in upsidedown and let it sink. You should now have a false bottom of netting that will keep the fish from eating the eggs after spawning.
  3. With marbles it is hard to see when they have spawned but with netting it is easy. Get the netting used for whitebait nets. I have purchased it from fishing tackle shop or hardware store.
  4. Now we wait to see what they put up as an excuse for us sinners all still being here without the fire and brimstone. Actually, just realised I could sell the brimstone to the fertilizer works in Hornby so its a win/win. Lesson 1: Switch on brain before becoming a prophet.
  5. The less shakey part of town. Pet world Smith St and Ferry Rd corner, Redwood Aquatics also worth a look. Bubble and Squeek is operating from home in Barrington St. If you ring the number in the book it transfers to his home.
  6. Zebra and leopard danios can cross and they produce nice looking offspring but I think they are infertile. They will breed on moss but you will do better if you use mesh as one pair can be spawning while others come behind eating the eggs. You will also do better if you have some of each sex.
  7. Snail rid is copper sulphate solution and contains a warning that it should not be used with fish unless the hardness is above 50ppm (mg/litre or about 3 degrees dH). Since the tap water in Christchurch is about 45ppm hardness many pet shops have stopped stocking it because people come back saying their fish have died. I have used it at 2-3 times the normal dose but without fish. If you add copper as metal the amount of copper in solution is unknown and will depend on lots of things including the pH. Safer to use in a known concentration. In the "good ol' days" pennies and copper wool were used to treat diseases like white spot and velvet and were left in the tank until the snails started trying to crawl out of the water. They were also the times when a floating potatoe was used to test the brine solution in a butcher's shop---a bit hit and miss.
  8. Get a restaurant. My point was that most pet shops survive by selling the stuff that brings in the money---like cat and dog food as well as accessories.
  9. Dogs and cats eat a lot more than fish.
  10. What is the sword plant with all the pups? Tank is looking realy good.
  11. BURN ... formalin is very toxic as well. All meds must be regarded as toxic and treated with respect, otherwise they wouldn't work.
  12. As stated, there is not much point in trying to calibrate if you don't have an accurate thermometer. I invested years ago in a very accurate digital one from Homershams (accurate to 0.1 deg C) If they are the old jeager type with a button on the top you place them in water of a known temperature until the whole thing is the same temperature as the water of known temperature. You then pull the button up and turn the dial to match the known temperature. Push the button down and it is calibrated.
  13. Looks like columnaris (also called mouth fungus and saddleback)--treat with furan2 or sulpha drugs. You need to get the latter from a vet or furan from the local pet shop. It can be caused by more than one bacteria and often there are other secondary fungal and bacterial infections presnt as a result of the lesions formed in the beginning. Not always easy to cure but that is your best bet. Treat the whole tank.
  14. They are usually better if you spawn them regularly and breed them as soon as they are old enough. Big old heavily gravid females usually doesn't work out too well.
  15. One of the problems with morons like him is that there are other morons out there that belief what he is saying. Why do you think some politicians use the "race card?" We profess to be non racist but you don't have to dig too deep to find it in most of us.
  16. Do they need to brumate if they are not trying to breed them?
  17. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  18. What does the newspaper do that the water does not?
  19. I may have missed out on the good things in life.
  20. If you post plants in newspaper in a takeaway container or in ziplock bags they will leak and get the post office a little upset. If you put them into two plastic bags with a teaspoon of water and enough air to stop them getting crushed then in a cardboard box they will be fine for a number of days.If the box is no more than 70mm deep you can send them fastpost. Every time I have received plants in wet newspaper they have arrived a soggy mess and delivered by an unhappy postie.
  21. They always pick on people who look different but don't worry about those that look the same even if they do not speak english or wish to "assimilate". They talk of sending them back to where they came from even if they are fifth generation New Zealanders. Basically they would be better off if they engaged their brain. He thinks everyone in the world should look and behave like him, and what sort of a world would that be?
  22. That must have been while you had the blue rinse.
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