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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Do you have a slave to bring you the refreshments?
  2. Sometimes a person will raise the bid by quite a bit to try to put others off. OK I would think.
  3. There is a theory of evolution and a theory of creation--no probs.
  4. There is a lot more to evolution than humans coming from apes. That is one sentence in a whole book.
  5. You may have a heater that is on the blink and could be getting ready to do a direct short.
  6. In a previous life,when I worked as a rubber technician I used to make what were called NAC rings which were an O ring for a carby on an aircraft. They were made from a very oil resistant synthetic called hycar. Had to be made by a technician and individually inspected with a magnifying glass and signed off by the technical manager. Good overtime perk for me but who knows what they would have cost. At least it kept the planes in the air I guess.
  7. The problem with identifying crypts is that the leaves can vary so much depending on growing conditions.
  8. She should make sure she records all that is said and done because she could challenge the dismissal if proceedures are not correct.
  9. Is it the remains of a piece of sponge from when the barnacle was in the sea?
  10. Those skinny signs can also be piscene TB but I would have to agree with the previous post---probably worms.
  11. They are called siamese fighting fish for a reason. There is a chance that you might get away with it but I would not risk it. There is a chance that a pirahna wouild not eat your finger as well. I think males are better on their own as they can get agro with females as well.
  12. It is very unlikely that a water dragon and a tuatara would cross as they are very genetically removed from each other. About the only thing they have in common is four legs and a tail.
  13. It might be too much "strain" on the water dragon.
  14. It pays not to post for a reaction particularly if you are already on probation. I am sure you are capable of sensible posts---why not have a go at that.
  15. Sorry, baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. You need to add calcium or magnesium ions to increase the hardness. Calcium carbonate (only realy soluble in acid water), Calcium chloride, or magnesiun sulphate (epsom salts) will do it but make sure you do it slowly or you will shock your fish.
  16. Rainwater with lots of algae is good as they will graze on the algae. Live food is also good
  17. I am not defending it. I think it is a badly worded act produced in a hurry by politicians trying to get votes after a couple of kids drowned in swimming pools. I think they would save a lot more lives trying to do something about the society that has the high rate of child abuse that we have.
  18. (i) & (ii) have to apply to get the exemption because it says (i) & (ii). I have swum in many ponds like that as a kid.
  19. Because they are exempted © any excavation, structure, or product,— (i) that is not used in association with any house, home unit, apartment building, school, hospital, hotel, motel, camping ground, or other similar premises; and (ii) that is not modified for use, or intended to be used, for swimming, wading, paddling, or bathing:
  20. I have told them that they are gambusia and not worth $10 but $200000.
  21. Don't forget that this is the fencing of swimming pools act created by the government that you voted for and administered by the local council without any additional staff or finances, but paid for with your rates. If they do not administer it and a child drowns they will be liable.
  22. I agree, but having spent many years enforcing the stupid law on people who live next to rivers or whose kids play in the water races all the way home from school I think there are a lot of different interpretations of it. The truth is a child can and has drowned in 50mm of water so the exemption for depth is rubbish.
  23. It might be cheaper to put up a sign reading: " Swimming, wading, paddling or bathing not permitted." Exempted pools (Fencing of swimming pools act) Nothing in this Act shall apply in respect of— (a) any pool that has no part of the top of its side walls less than 1.2 metres above the adjacent ground level or any permanent projection from or object standing on the ground outside and within 1.2 metres of the walls, where the outside surface of the side walls is constructed so as to inhibit climbing and any ladder or other means of access to the interior of the swimming pool can be readily removed or rendered inoperable and is removed or rendered inoperable whenever it is intended that the pool not be used: (b) any excavation, structure, or product, in which the maximum depth of water does not exceed 400 mm: © any excavation, structure, or product,— (i) that is not used in association with any house, home unit, apartment building, school, hospital, hotel, motel, camping ground, or other similar premises; and (ii) that is not modified for use, or intended to be used, for swimming, wading, paddling, or bathing: (d) any pool intended to be used for wading or paddling in any place that is under the administration of a local authority: (e) any pool that is wholly enclosed within a building that is used principally for a purpose or purposes not related to the use of the pool: (f) any pool where— (i) persons are employed and present to provide supervision of the pool whenever the pool is available for use; and (ii) access to the pool is effectively prevented by a fence that complies with this Act or by locked gates or doors whenever the pool is not intended to be available for use.
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