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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. What I do is slope them down into the tank slightly so condensation runs the right way, put them about 6mm below the top so the lids fit flush and make the long back strap a bit shorter to allow for heater wires and filter pipes. A lot easier to do while the tank is new.
  2. With that length and height I would do away with the centre strap and use Euro bracing. This is a strap about 40mm wide on edge that goes right around the top and often the bottom of the tank. This takes the flex out of the long glass panels and gives a double bond at the bottom where the pressure is greatest.
  3. They usually stay white and get larger as incubation time increases. Chuck them and the media, clean up and get ready for the next lot.
  4. Infertile eggs will usually go mouldy or colapse but sometimes they look normal right through the incubation so not always easy to make the call. The problem would be if the mould spread to good eggs as with fish. How many are mouldy and how many look OK?
  5. They are likely infertile and no good. If it is only a few remove them.
  6. If you have the paperwork including quota
  7. Sorry, on a more careful look you are right except it is important to earth the ballast. It has always worked for me and is often the diagram on a ballast.
  8. There are a few in the pipeline I hear but it will be a few years before they are on the market. Mine are hi yellows which are basically low blacks. The thing with leps is that the juvenile markings are quite different to the adult markings. Because there is only a small gene pool there is a better chance of new morphs popping up.
  9. I don't know what the price will be but I think they will drop a bit this coming season from what they are today.---Down from the 1.5k they were a couple of years ago.
  10. I think there are a few including me. Got the fifth pair of eggs yesterday and another two on the way today but no babies till around xmas. Did't have a very high fertility rate last year so hoping for better this season.
  11. Those leps are not the best looking ones I have seen---there are better looking Hi yellows around and I understand there are a few colour morphs starting to pop up. The price is pretty good at the moment though provided it is for all three and he doesn't say only one after sale.
  12. It would pay to check the feedback on the person selling the leps on trademe
  13. I don't know how to put up a diagram on here but I have wired up a few of these. What I have always done is put the output wire from the ballast on one pin on the tube and neutral on the pin on the other end, then put the starter in a loop to the other two pins. Make sure the tube wattage is the same as the ballast and put the switch on the phase wire to the ballast. I always earth the ballast as well. Hope that makes sense.
  14. You could end up with some good looking offspring.
  15. Leps are nocturnal so are most active at sunrise and sunset. They will spend vitually all day in a hide. Beardies will spend nearly all day basking in the heat.
  16. Both. I have leps and beardies and only handle them enough so that they don't panic when you pick them up. If you want something to cuddle best to get a kitten.
  17. Best to keep salt water away from copper and aluminium.
  18. Thirty odd years ago there was a person down here who built one from a fridge for that exact project and it worked very well. The fridge coils were on the back of a stainless steel plate and the thermostat started a pump that pumped the water over the plate untill the temperature dropped. He had a little occi in there successfully for quite some time (amongst other things).
  19. This is when it is a good time to belong to a union. It sounds like a personality clash and management are trying to set it up for a justified dismissal. I think if it was me I would suggest they give me 10k as a comensatory payment (no tax) and I will walk. It is not much fun working for a place that wants to get rid of you.
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