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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Was it bought locally as a baby? I saw two of mine that had grown up for the first time a couple of weeks ago but they were both males. Does it have two stripes of red down the back and red on the side of the face? If so it will be one of mine. Nice looking lady in any case.
  2. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  3. The restriction is not from Maf but from the Regional Council. Pet bus will not carry them to or from Auckland I understand.
  4. Green and golds are only in the top half of the North Island
  5. If you were wanting to have that many tanks for a commercial venture you would be best to set it up exactly how you wanted it yourself rather than having to operate the way someone else had designed it.
  6. They are all Litoria and therefore strain tree frogs except we don't get the green and golds down here in the wild.
  7. Gloves will be OK but also need to make sure you do not inhale the fumes from the bottle.
  8. Some fish are sensitive to malachite green as well. Malachite is a copper ore and although malachite green is only named after it because of the colour, many fish that are sensitive to copper are also sensitive to malachite green. for this reason many importers use acriflavine. Formalin is a solution of formaldehyde which is very toxic to humans as well so should be used with caution.
  9. I knew Vernon through the killie club in Christchurch before he went up north. Good to know he is still around.
  10. You put the phase wire through the thermostat prior to the heater.
  11. I have two tanks heated from underneath by a pad made by Argus Industries, You give them the footprint and the wattage and they make one up for you. You need to connect a thermostat to it. You are best to leave the bottom bare (I have one 1200 x 450 x 450 divided into 6 sections that I used for breeding killies. I also have a plantd tank the same size but you need to keep the edia shallow and even or you will have all sorts of problems with the hysteresis.
  12. Stella's book would help as well
  13. If you are shipping fish in bags you are better off without airflow but if you are shipping reptiles that need heat then holes in the lid of the polybox will mean that the oxygen that is used to heat the pad will not be taken from the air that the reptiles are breathing.
  14. I raised some albino tadpoles Ok I lost a few until I was told to keep them in green rainwater. Fed them on brine shrimp nuplii, microworms and fish flake. Kept them at 25 deg C. Got one which was a hunchback and one that remained smaller than the rest and 7 good and healthy. One mail and 6 females. Got spawn but eggs no good.
  15. It needs very good light.
  16. Could be Echinodorus tenellus tenellus
  17. The easiest way to identify velvet is to turn the lights out at night and use a torch.
  18. CO2 dissolves in water to form carbonic acid so if you inject CO2 the pH will drop. I don't think you can make acid and maintain a pH of 7
  19. Please add your location. I think you cannot keep geckos from the "other Island"
  20. With all antibiotics it is important to give the full dose as per the instructions or you can end up with resistant bacteria. Even more important with columnaris as it sometimes can be difficult to cure.
  21. I wouldn't use goldfish or products from a goldfish tank as they carry lots of parasites that could be passed on to your bettas.
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