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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I don't recall seeing it before. Not sure of status.
  2. There doesn't seem to be many about at the moment.
  3. Some of the oldies on here would love that but us younguns know its not true
  4. Not many heater/thermostats are actually guaranteed to operate completely submersed and should have the cap out of the water. Even the better brands will often end up with water inside. This could be a good reason to keep them verticle. Water inside can cause corrosion and well the points together which will give you cooked fish. Water inside can also trip the overloads on your electrical system--a problem I had recently.
  5. It is methylene blue--a dye.
  6. I fear that the education system is getting worse instead of better. When you consider that most of the really clever improvements in society have been achieved by people who would not have been cosidered clever at school you have to wonder where the education system is heading. I have a friend who new he wanted to be a commercal artist when he left school and completely failed every other subject but got 98% for SC art and has even been an international judge and very successful commercially.He was and is very clever but only interested in art and martial arts (now 8th dan at karate). Look at branston--total failure at school in everything but sport, Einstein sent home with a note saying he was incapable of learning. Silicone valley is full of misfits from the present education system. Makes you wonder. There may be hope for me yet.
  7. I think you could sit 5or6 but you had to pass 4 including English to get SC.
  8. The lifter may be patented but it is still just an airlift like in a sponge filter,box filter or undergravel filter. I have built them myself---they are quite simple and it will be no more effective than a sponge filter because that is what it is.
  9. Leucism is a defect in the deposition of melanin so it can be all over the animal, mainly all over but leaving a patch or just patches with low or no melanin. You pays your money and takes your pick I guess.
  10. A red eyed golden bn is albino and a black eyed golden bn would be leucistic would it not? It is not uncommon to find a splash of colour in various leucistic animals. White birds with black feathers, golden frogs with a splash of green etc.
  11. The principle is the same as an air operated sponge filter except it is probably a lot more expensive.
  12. You can make it so the back lip screws on later and wont be seen against the wall.
  13. I have done a similar thing for reptiles. It is a clear lid with lots of holes to allow fresh air but contain reptiles and bugs. Very easy with plastic and a drill press.Can do many at once. I have not done the glass drilling but have seen a few done and it would take a while if you want to do many holes.
  14. That would be Bobbitus missesii
  15. As that wise fella said. There is only two ways to do things--your way and my way. There is no right way, best way or wrong way. Do what works for you. How much ammonia is produced by 10 danios? They know, do you? Not sick, just a fact. Urine can contain some small viruses as well. There was an importer on this site who said he had used urine to do a fishless cycle prior to importing.
  16. Fish produce urea through the gills as well. This is why that little fish in the Amazon is such a scary little thing to us males as it is following traces of urea and goes where it shouldn't because it thinks it has found the gills of a fish and is about to lock on and get a bit of blood. Makes me cringe just thinking about it.
  17. I personally have never used melafix and never will. You should only treat fish that you have identified a problem on and treat the other occupants if it is a disease which may spread. Finrot is somewhat oportunistic and infects fish that are stressed or have fin damage. I would only treat the others if they are showing signs of it. I would use a bacteriacide like acriflavine or furan 2 which can be obtained without prescription. Wunder tonic is pretty broad spectrum also. Good water quality is your main weapon.
  18. True, but can you serotype them and establish antibiotic resistence in your kitchen?
  19. I suspect the vet could be treating for haemorhagic septicemia which is a gram negative bacterial disease caused by aeromonas hydrrophila, a bacteria causing varied signs of disease and being common in water. Particularly a problem for fish with a compromised immune system (which can happen with old age). It is a disease maf watch out for signs of in quarantine of fish. Only a guess.
  20. The latter is "not for use on scaleless fish"
  21. Bacteriological diagnosis is a little easier in a bacto lab than a domestic kitchen. You also need to know what you are doing.
  22. Using the long members on edge rather than on the flat is stronger and a lip around the top has become very popular in this part of the woods since the shakes. We are none of us immune.
  23. I promised someone some of the above and have lost their address. Please send a PM and I will get them off in the mail
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