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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Da weeeee darlin. I see the pic is of the end that stays away from trouble.
  2. Please don't tell me you have developed a total dislike for surfers or is this to scare the seagulls away from your stranded ship out there.
  3. I used to feed them the mixed weed seed from a seed cleaning factory---without too much clover as it is too hard for them to digest.
  4. In my experience chinese quail will fight if you have more than one male. I used to run dozens together and just put it down to collateral damage. In nature there are way more males than females but there are places to hide and to escape to--not so in an aviary. The left out males are sentries in the wild.
  5. Love thy neighbour. They are the ones that will ring the noise control officer. Not that they could do much about it if they are kept properly. They should be greatful you don't have a bored sulphur crested.
  6. Would have to agree. They look cute but they don't behave cute.
  7. I am assuming they are similar to Chinese quail in their behaviour. I had 9 aviaries full of them at one stage and was hatching hundreds at a time. The complications are: They are very territorial so if you add other birds to their group they will probably kill them. There is a distinct heirachy and only certain males get to breed and are dominant. There are way more males than females and in nature they act as guards and have to work their way into a breeding position. To mix two groups together I used to move them all to a new aviary so they were not fighting to defend territory (only heirachy). Nice looking birds I wish you luck. You can feed them on the scrap seed from a seed cleaning factory provided there is no clover seed in there.
  8. I have not kept californian quail but have kept and bred hundreds of chinese quail. They are very flighty birds and will fly straight up into the roof of the aviary often with fatal results. They are also very territorial so it is hard to mix birds from different groups and sorting out the pecking order can get pretty rough. I think wild caught birds would be very flighty and difficult to keep in an aviary. They are nice looking birds but you might be best to buy aviary reared ones or try to find wild eggs and hatch them. The babies are easy to raise as they feed themselves as soon as they hatch.
  9. It does look like C.parva. I didn't know it was in the country but I had grown nevilli and nevilli nevillii many moons ago with candles and mirrors (perhaps hope took over from reason). It was imported by Bob Ward from Redwoodwood Aquatics but I hadn't seen it in years (he had lost it as well). Most Crypts from there will tolerate a wide range of conditions as the water can be very hard.
  10. Leave a PM for DonnaM, she is never short of turtles.
  11. Has he been practicing crawling down chimnies? We have been excused down here as there are no chimnies left.
  12. UV will kill the microbes (bacteria,algae etc) but will not remove the chemicals that a water change is intended to do.
  13. Thought you might have. I have one on order for when the shaking stops. Get the next one with black silicone, he makes a neat job.
  14. Looks like a well made tank. Who did you get to make it? Starphire glass is low in the other iron.
  15. Be greatful for evolution. Strep throat is the same bug that caused scarlet fever that millions died from and has now become less virulent.
  16. The same thing happened with a lot of the introduced European birds. The Country is run by accountants and that is why there are heaps of controls over salmon and trout and hardly any over native fish. I am just grateful that Ira didn't bring polar bears with him.
  17. Goldfish generally carry a lot of parasites which they can handle if in good conditions but the fry can't because they are so small. The more likely problem would be water shock fom a sudden change of temperature or chemistry.
  18. alanmin4304

    hi all!

    Welcome and enjoy your time here. There are a few learned fighter breeders in here that I am sure can help.
  19. I don't think they scan every parcel that enters the country, only a selection. The important thing to look at is what happened to those that were caught.
  20. The person with the whites tree frogs was discharged without conviction but paid a fine of $10k towards costs.
  21. He has not been on the site for a few years but called himself plantman. I bought a plant from him through Trademe (Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata "Cuba'). I didn't suspect it had been imported illegally and subsequently had a visit from Maf biosecurity. I assumed he was a reputable dealer. Luckily the plant had died and Maf were happy but it could have just as easily gone the other way with all my plants and fish destroyed. I assume others bought plants as well and received a visit, and they may well have not been so lucky.
  22. I don't find it very relaxing when someone thinks it is funny to illegally import plants then is prepared to blah on about it on a public forum which is monitored by maf when we are trying to develop a co operative relationship with these people in the hope that our hobby might improve. This is exactly what serious fishkeepers do not need.
  23. Who was it that wanted a pet snake?
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