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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Now that you know the size of the eggs you might like to consider making a trap with s/s mesh which might be safer. Even cheaper is the metal mesh used for making whitebait nets if it is the right size. No chance of parents getting trapped then. Since it is obvious you have untold skills with a hot glue gun.
  2. It depends what you mean by safety glass. Toughened safety glass is cooled rapidly on the outside so that it shatters when broken. It has to be cut to size before it is treated and cannot be cut afterwards. I built a very big tank from some glass that had been doors in a bank and bought 3 doors for $5 in total. They were nearly half inch thick and it worked out well. I have also used laminated glass for the front and bottom of tanks until I was advised that it was only as strong as one thickness of glass because if one breaks so will the other. Water can get in between the layers as well.
  3. Nets don't work too well for spawning goldfish as they have sticky eggs and don't fall through the net. The usual trick is to put in a spawning media and pull it out along with the eggs after spawning and hatch elsewhere.
  4. They are normally a bit like a kune kune pig and look like they swam too fast into a brick wall. When full of eggs they are even more "deformed" because they are fatter on one side because of the eggs.
  5. I would expect more leaves before it flowers but all looking like you are on the right track.
  6. Hope everyone had a great xmas and Mr Klaus didn't just give you a bottle of Coca Cola. We had a great time of pigging out in the sun with the family located this end of the world.
  7. The reason gorse is left is because the seeds germinate over many many years and it is very difficult to get rid of.
  8. Will have a great day, just having a moan, get sick of cleaning up messes but life could be a lot worse and we are doing pretty well. The reptiles don't spill a lot of water (not like fish) and they still seem happy to hatch even after being shaken and stirred. Enjoy ya all
  9. That is exactly what I was trying to say only you worded it better. I am not familiar with breeding those fish but fish that spawn best in soft acid water will often come out of spawning with velvet so the acriflavine is good for that. Methylene blue is often used to stop the spread of fungus from infertile eggs to fertile ones, but it stains. I try to avoid using either unless I have to.
  10. The same to you and yours. The expression "shaken not stirred" will not ruin our time with family. We will be at Burnham Military Base and they haven't noticed many shakes of late. The four boys and mum and dad were at our place at 2.00 pm yesterday and flew out of the house like birds with their bums on fire and wouldn't go back in the house. We are in Avonside which is a lot closer than Burnham to where the action has been. Still the good news is that it could be all over in 4 years. You obviously have a big box of goodies to put up this time of year.
  11. You may have better success if you leave the eggs in the tank, Add a small amount (a few drops) of acriflavine or meth blue--might stain, Then move the fry when they are a bit bigger and more robust. Remove the adults, seperate males/females and spawn again in 10-14 days. Many fish have a problem with the eggs becoming calcified (particularly tetras and fish that like soft water) so breeding them frequently may help with that.
  12. Stargrass looks almost identical emersed and submersed but many shops down here wont stock it submersed because the leaves are so easily damaged. It travels well when grown emersed and converts to submersed easily.
  13. Another shake and quite a few weaker aftershocks. Spilled a bit of water and emptied the cupboards a bit. No one hurt but had parents with 4 kids here and they wouldn't go back in the house. No sweat, we just clean up again and wait for the next one. Another 10000 people leaving for Aus?
  14. You might be grateful if you were a snake trying to eat a possum.
  15. I am with you there. Not certain how they work it but I think it would be easier to dislocate the jaw again if required rather than the other end.
  16. Looking good. Stargrass (Heteranthera zosteraefolia) grows realy well emersed
  17. alanmin4304

    Fish ID

    The black stripe is not right for a blue acara or a jewel so pass
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