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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO

  1. I've had Gourami's and a Fighter in together before, had no trouble at all, but then again, it will depend on the personality of the Fish.
  2. You could use those, or Mini Bits. Crushed Flake will be fine too though.
  3. You can Buy Smallish Granules for Smaller Fish, I would just crush some Flakes, and feed those. I remember when I was breeding Swordtails I never bothered with all the other stuff, I just used fine flakes.
  4. Ohhh My Goodness thats shocking Hope the Poor Wee Thing pulls through OK :roll:
  5. You will need to Hatch some BBS, easy enough to do Decpasulated Drine Shrimp Eggs are abit easier to Hatch. Microworms: you will need to get a culture off somebody, then you can continue to grow your own. They will pick away at Pellets, Flake etc... But always a good idea to give them a good start by feeding them up on BBS.
  6. Freshly Hatched Baby Brine Shrimp, or Microworms. Lots of feeds during the Day and lots of Small water changes. What size Tank do you have them in?? They should be alot bigger than that by now
  7. The one's I used to use were the Throw Away Carbon One's. Used to replace them every 6 months or so.
  8. Would be definitely going to the EXTREME I think.
  9. I do :bounce: Got picked on terribly recently by my Husband and 3 of my 4 Sons, and 10 of their Mates :oops: Had War Wounds for Days :evil: Every so many days after the Game, my Youngest son would say," Mum show me your Cool az Bruise" :lol: it had all the colours of the Rainbow in it, and the size of a Dinner Plate :roll: Poor Me Played out at the Himatangi Course, up and down the Sand Dunes and in amongst the Pine Trees, had great fun.
  10. :lol: Yea well, that will be a matter of finding the little Bliters, first then I guess. Very rarely get to see mine, they are always hiding in the Depths of my Sword Plants.
  11. Never heard of Stress Salt, probably just a different brand of Tonic Salt.
  12. I used to run a Water Filter Cartridge inline, in my Garden Hose set up. Worked Great. Fish seemed happy az, didn't notice any real change in the PH.
  13. Have to agree with jimr, we have a Walker Ride On Mulcher, but then again maybe your not needing a Ride on. We also have a Honda handmower, meant to be an Easy Start, well, have had nothing but problems with it from Day 1, absolute piece of rubbish, very strongly advise you dont get one if these.
  14. Mine definitely dont have the Pointy Nose thing going on phoenix
  15. Will have to have another good look at mine, will let you know when I find out where Mr Whiptail is hiding :lol:
  16. Thats why I thought maybe he was Constipated :roll:
  17. My Aunty and Uncle talked to the Guy from Brooklands about this Algae Problem, he has in his Tank. Not sure what part of the Country you are from, they are in Wanaka, they were told that the Algae Problem they have, will be related to the Water they have down there. So the Guy at Brooklands recommended they use a UV Sterilser, I have yet to heasr from them as to how the Tank is doing since this Uv Sterilser has been added to the Filter. Will give them a ring tomorrow too see what difference if any, the UV Steriliser has made.
  18. Mine doesn't seem to have a Long Pointy Nose phoenix
  19. Hmmm Not sounding good at all. Another thing you could try is an Epsom Salt Bath, this also relieves Constipation. Epsom Salt is available at the Supermarket. Good Luck.
  20. I've got 2 of them Simon, not sure what they are. I've also got 2 Royals and 2 Red Whiptails, These weren't from Bubble'nSqueak though, the one's from Bubble and Squeak look quite different from my Royal's and Red's. Have you looked on the Orginal Thread when they were Selling them, it might say what type they are on there.
  21. Possibly a War Wound, I would do Smallish Water Changes everyday and add some Rock Salt.
  22. You could also try feeding them De-shelled peas, if they have another episode of possible Bloat My 8 Loaches Love peas Good work with getting your Filter sorted.
  23. I've got 6 of the Albino's too, they're in my Discus Tank along with 6 Sterbai's :bounce:
  24. Love Aniseed Lollies :bounce: The Oval Shaped Browny coloured ones, Yummmmmmmmmmmy :bounce:

    Power Cuts

    Well NO not really :lol: Wrapping the Tank up in a couple of Duvet Inners will keep it warm for a while.
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