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worst animal bite you have had!


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Curious to know the worst animal bite, sting etc fnzas members have received! This has to be by a member only not a friend or relative other wise someone is bound to have known Steve Irwin or know Ruud Kleinpaste. Bite, sting can be from anything from budgie to camel spider and anything in between, so long as it hurt or there were repurcusions( it may not have hurt but may have got infected). Also interested to find out the oddest animal members were bitten by? This could be a mauling from a marmoset or a licken from a chicken, and doesn't have to have hurt or can be a combo of both( hurt and odd).

I will start us off( mine I guess won't have been bad compared to others but thought it would start off discussion).

Worst: 1)getting nipped on thumb by a huge cancer crab. It didn't let go and felt like getting hit by a hammer.

2) bitten on nose by my son when he was 2. This really hurt my nose got infected and i had to go to doctor. It swelled up for 2 weeks like a beetroot with teeth marks.

Oddest: 1) penguin, this hurt a bit because it had a hooked beak and twisted about.

2) giant weta, didn't really hurt but chewed into vein so I bled a bit.

3) Changeable lizard ( calotes versicolor) not common down here so put it down. Gave me a good chomp as I wanted to show my mate ( we had tried to catch it for ages) so had to hold it for a while till i found him whilst it continued to bite me for about 10 mins

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Attacked by a swarm of bees, several of which flew under my head scarf and stung multiple times before we could get them out of my hair.

By the time I got into town to the chemist for antihistamine (I am allergic but not so bad I go into anaphylaxis) I was covered in a rash and my head had swollen so far it was hard to get my crash helmet off. Just got home before my eyes swelled totally shut. They stayed swelled shut for 3 days and eating was difficult due to swelling in my throat. Legs and other body parts also swelled as I was stung all over and quite ill for several days.

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Grey Faced Petrel translocation - the easiest way to get them out of their burrows is to let them bite you and then grab their beak.

Then look forward to them biting you every time you feed them till they fledge from the new site :)

Also got bitten by a penguin in one of the burrows on that trip and had a tuatara run up my arm/neck and gave me a hell of a fright - luckily it didnt bite me, cause apparently they just hang on for like half an hour

I'm sure there must be others, but cant think of any right now :)

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Most Memorable - Bitten by my lab rat in Stage 1 Psychology class, first time we were introduced. Little beggar hung onto my index finger even when it was swinging around in mid-air as I snatched my hand away. I wasn't too worried, but the tutor was totally freaked out!!!!, running around screaming, threatening to have rat put down on the spot, wanted to call ambulance.

Couldn't have that, so detached rat from finger, applied bandaid, carried on with class. Came to agreement with rat - I didn't touch him (just indicated direction to go with my hand in front or to side), and he would perform to spec for all tests and experiments. Produced perfect results thereafter, gooood little rattie! :lol: Still have the scar though, 30+ yrs later.

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- the first night I got home from hospital after I was born I got bitten by a mouse I was told. (don't remember that one) :wink:

- when I was four I got bitten by a german (shepherd)

- during my terrarium time back in Switzerland I got bitten by an Aesculap Snake (Zamenis longissimus) which gave me an infection. by a Helm Basilisk (Basiliscus basiliscus) which did turn parts of my index finger blue, green and black after a while and by a Schmuck Horn Frosch / Pacman frog (Ceratophrys) which got me on the side of my palm and didn't let go for a while, did hurt a lot but no scare or anything more serious.

- just the other day one of my Axolotl was hanging on my index finger and tried to swallow it (it's like trying to pull your finger out in between of sandpaper), no harm done

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  • 1 year later...

Spider monkey nearly bit half my finger off when I was little needed stitchs scared I've also been bitten  by emu ostrich horse big rainbow spider king crab eel snapper cat weta skinks older sister baby swan parrots pukeko goat goose duck seagull frog pig just about everything 

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Spider monkey nearly bit half my finger off when I was little needed stitchs scared I've also been bitten  by emu ostrich horse big rainbow spider king crab eel snapper cat weta skinks older sister baby swan parrots pukeko goat goose duck seagull frog pig just about everything 

Sounds like you need to stop poking fingers and other extremities where they don't belong ;) 

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Not often...Horses bite me occasionally which leaves bruises and one of my cats wakes me up by chewing on my toes.

 If stings count as "bites" then there is also the times I've accidentally swum into jellyfish... Takes ages to heal and hurts really badly, particularly if you don't get the stingers out at first. 

**edit- oh, and my chickens peck me. Colourful nail polish or shiny jewellery tends to look like food to them and they have never taken kindly to being fed their worming tablets. One of my older girls (now passed) used to like pecking people's teeth and eyes if she was able to get near. Thankfully nobody else has ever decided to do that.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Lionfish - Hospital for 10 days - entire arm went blue / black.

Snakebite - python - painful but that was about it.

Dog bites - rabid do attacked me - about 50+ puncture wounds on my arms. That was probably the most painful. Still went back the next day to tell the dog I forgive him, and came back with another 10 puncture wounds. Tsk Tsk.

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WASPS!!! I Hate them with a passion!  I got clobbered while pig hunting ( no animals were harmed ) in the Waipua , Northland... camping at the Kai Iwis at the time , by the time I drove back to the campsite with 22 stings in my back I had started to go into shock...scary...

 Lucky one of our  friends had antihistimes to cram down me..I don't like wasps at all!!! They still itched a month later!

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