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Dispose of unwanted fish in trash? World issues solved here!


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I feel that people should devote their own lives to themselves instead of trying to please this "God" character, especially when they have no proof of it being real. I disagree with the whole God/Jesus thing, but that's not to say that there isn't some sort of supernatural force that we don't know about, and whether there is or not is not of my concern because it doesn't affect me and I'd just like to get on with my life :D

I really love this quote by Epicurus :P

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?

Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing?

Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing?

Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?"

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I really love this quote by Epicurus :P

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?

Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing?

Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing?

Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?"

The appropriate response is that we being human are not equipped to understand an infinite mind.

And I have trouble following the plots of TV programs!

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I feel that people should devote their own lives to themselves instead of trying to please this "God" character, especially when they have no proof of it being real.

"proof" of Gods existance would defeat the purpose of "faith". And [seems how someone needs to play devils advocate if this is to be a discussion of any sorts], with regard to the quote, it doesn't really make sense. If the bible is to be believed then God made the world perfect and man mucked it up, Epicurus seems to blame God for mans evil (despite us supposedly being made as free-willed beings) and thinks because he hasn't come and sorted out his troubles he therefor doesn't exist (or isn't worth believeing in).

It seems to me that many people get God and Santa muddled up...

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the story of creation and the big bang theory aren't too far apart

just a lot more words on one side

Thats something that intrigues me too. At the time the bible was written peoples scientific understanding was so limited that trying to bring them up to speed on how the world was created would have taken ten times the pages, so it was far easier to say wham bam done in seven days and get on with the other stuff.

I find it impossible to believe the world is only six thousand years old, but equally difficult to believe that life can come from a completely inert nothingness (I have no problem with Darwins theory of natural selection, you'd be a mug to not be able to understand how that works on some scale, but its the very beginning where it falls over for me).

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The interesting thing is how many religions that preceeded christianity had similar stories to tell. Miraculous births, 12 deciples, miracles, death and reserection after 3 days, 3 wise men following a star. The best part is the people who call themselves christians but want to quote to you from the old jewish teachings before christ---much of which he spoke out against. I would have thought that Christians would have followed the teachings of Christ.

If you want a laugh listen to Michael Laws on talkback radio (who claims to be a practicing Anglican (which is RC without a pope) and here him laugh at the brown fellas that come on in the afternoon and believe in Tanawhas.So who believes in mythology?

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