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Dripping with sarcasm

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With all the sarcasm around today I have gotten a good few smirks.

I want to complain about a pointless subject that really gets on my goat. And I don't like other things getting on my goat.

I have a long email address. It is different. Even slightly unusual. But when I email "you" I expect a response in a timely manner. That's right, a response, a reply, an acknowledgement. Just because you do not recognize the email address is not a valid excuse not to read it WHEN THE SUBJECT STATES: EMAIL TO YOU

Consider "yourself" told!

Disclaimer: I am not aiming this at, or criticizing any member of this website. It is a general complaint directed to the world at large.

Does anybody else get sick of non-repliers?

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I once had a person that was txting me every monday or friday saying he was too sick to come to work... all my guys were at work and I didnt know the number. After a few weeks of his being sick and me txting back telling him he had the wrong number, I gave up and told him he was fired... wonder who he was?

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I once had a person that was txting me every monday or friday saying he was too sick to come to work... all my guys were at work and I didnt know the number. After a few weeks of his being sick and me txting back telling him he had the wrong number, I gave up and told him he was fired... wonder who he was?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :hail::hail::hail:

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I have a long email address. It is different. Even slightly unusual. But when I email "you" I expect a response in a timely manner. That's right, a response, a reply, an acknowledgement. Just because you do not recognize the email address is not a valid excuse not to read it WHEN THE SUBJECT STATES: EMAIL TO YOU

Consider "yourself" told!

You can't write me a 5 page love letter and then expect me to reply straight away! Give me time! :lol:

"Email to " whoever seems like a very spammy subject line.

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I have a thing about this too but I am the other way around. I believe that I pay for my email account and my cellphone account, and it is for my convenience, not for the convenience of the person who is texting or emailing me.

Hmm, I guess no one's gonna reply to my posts from now on. :cry:

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I know this isn't aimed at me

but if I don't know who the email is from I generally don't open it these days as its usually something disgusting.

So message to anyone trying to email me - in the subject line put fnzas.

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I know this isn't aimed at me

but if I don't know who the email is from I generally don't open it these days as its usually something disgusting.

So message to anyone trying to email me - in the subject line put fnzas.

Awww, I never get anything disgusting. I barely even get 1-2 spam emails a week.:(

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I once had a person that was txting me every monday or friday saying he was too sick to come to work... all my guys were at work and I didnt know the number. After a few weeks of his being sick and me txting back telling him he had the wrong number, I gave up and told him he was fired... wonder who he was?

Man -you owe me 4 weeks back pay! and there was no written warning!

I'm with TTK- In fact 1/2 my life requires me to leave a computer to work, the other 1/2 I'm at the computer completeing it. At which point of that cycle you contact me determines a response time. I've had texts asking me when I'll respond to an email. I 'm bemused at times by the lack of knowlege many have about the "OFF" button

I thought that was the reason people move to places like Westland-to smell roses and re-assest modern edicts

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Im sometimes a bit slower at answering email (work) as often their is a lot of reserch needed. When you answer a query, as its in writing, you must be 100% corect and that means reserch.

Txts, I only turn my cell phone on during work hours so after hours txts WONT be answered untill the next work day

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I am very open minded. You may txt me as much as you like about whatever you like. I don't own a mobile phone.

Awesome. Very Nice.

But I don't normally reply to (or open) emails if I don't know the sender. Mainly because there is so much crap spam out there. As for txts.. As with my generations I'm a txt-a-holic so it's all gravy baby 8)

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If I received an email with the subject line in capitals stating EMAIL TO YOU, I would assume it is spam and delete it unread.

We get over 100 emails per day (thanks to running a business from home and a husband who belongs to a number of car and technical newsgroups) I do not have time to read unimportant emails.

I hate the sloppy lovey dovey "just cos you are my friend. Pass this message on" emails :evil:

Never read them either, so if you have ever sent me one, I guess we aren't friends any more :roll: :lol:

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:lol: :lol: Caryl

I also don't like the "soppy send along ones" either or the "you must send this to 10 people in a certain amount of time or bad luck will come your way..." ones.. :evil: Ridiculous... The chain letter type ones really get on my irrits... :roll:

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My five cents worth...

I work 3 12hr nightshifts a week, the 12hrs I have off during the day is spents sleeping and doing "fish stuff" (waterchanges, feeding, observing etc.)

So for three days a week I am a rather un-sociable person, not even having time to jump on the net to check messages etc. As for texts, i'll answer them in the afternoons when i wake up.

Usually on my first day off I get a chance to go on the net, but I hate having to browse through heaps of emails deleting spam and waste of time emails before even getting to open and read important messages.

I have replied to the senders of those chain messages (send to 10 friends fast to become rich etc.) asking them if it came true, always the same aswer though "No", so I then ask, why bother?

I would much rather a single lined personal email from a friend even if its a "hey, how was your day" etc over a fowarded waste of time email.

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