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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Yes, thanks for the warning. I'll now lock the doors and sharpen the guard dogs tooth up.
  2. Alan

    a killi update

    Remove the gravel and give them a small pottle with about a 25mm of peat in it. A margie container is fine, with the lid on and a 35mm hole, or there abouts cut in the lid. Some ppl leave the gravel, then when they syphon the base, it is done thru a fine net or sieve to catch the eggs. Once you have the eggs, that is another story. How come the killi commited suicide?? If it jumped, it was IMO murder, there are so many statements in the killie threads about having tanks covered and gaps around the lid and pumps etc blocked. They aren't there as something to fill in space on the forums.
  3. Hey Kyle, I'm not up with Af's, can you give us a list of names for the latest photos please? I'm interested in the third one down especially, as I think I may have one of that species. Thanks
  4. As a fish keeper of strange desires and belonging to an exclusive club, we/I have tried for years to get someone (importer) to provide us with a facility to Q fish that we source from overseas. A quote last year was $800 per tank. It appeared obvious that he didn't want to help. I'm told that there is in the pipeline, an importer that will, when the facility is up and running, will do just this for us, but once again $300 seems pretty high per tank. I have now been in touch personally with a person who will help me out, (read me) to bring in killies , and I have several members that are interested in this venture. I hope to meet up shortly to see the facilities and enter into more discussions about it. At the moment there are two species going thru Q. I cannot discuss more than I have here, but as you can see, it's not an easy task to find a friendly importer. Years ago, when you could have a backyard shed for a Q station, we had a member of the club import for us, but alas, those days are long gone.
  5. That's actually what I thought when I saw that notification. Tim hasn't had any meetings either. Although thru Tim's sales, he seems to be encouraging his customers to join up and explains to them the benefit of it.
  6. Hi there Wok. Thought that there was meetings up that way on a regular basis?? Get in touch with madam president and check with her, there are those two, but there may be more thru Tim and his contacts thru TradeMe sales. Give Jensen a blow and get him to send you an updated list of all the members. That may be the only way to get all the info that you want, or need.
  7. Carla, it's the same with almost any killie in NZ. No shops actually specialize in them, but keep a watch on the main ones. The last I saw were in Living Waters , Tauranga. Hooking about $12 I think, but all females. These are one of the species that are imported more often tho, maybe it's because they aren't marketed as "killies" that they are brought in. I think there was someone up your way that is breeding them. Check back thru the forum.
  8. Good one Caryl. Now you can go on holiday, bye. How difficult would it be to do an Index back to the last one Caryl for the next edition?? Been a while since we had one I think. Thanks
  9. Bloodworms are named that for a reason, their colouration. From your discription I'd go for tuberfex worms. Can you post a pic of them??
  10. Alan

    high jump

    OUT!!!!!!!!! :roll: Don't risk anything, I've had thm jump out of 50mm of water in a bucket. Unless you get them from Wok of course,
  11. Please note, Festive and Festivum are two totally different species of cichlids. In this case, because the scientific name has been used, they refer to Festivum.
  12. My red-ears are outside all year, with no heating at all. They sunbathe when they want to. They hibernate for about 1 to 11/2 months a year, depends on how hard the winter is tho.
  13. Alan

    Killie tank size

    My tanks are 300 x 200 x 200 Most of aquanuts are about that size too.
  14. If you want to breed them, you definately need a pair, that's not just two. :roll: It's a male and female. 8)
  15. Alan


    Agreed, good live food providers. Other than that, maybe but not IMO generally done. KK's normally keep their little treasures in separate, species only tanks. But it is your choice.
  16. Apple snails are the easiest of snails to STOP from breeding. Just dispose of the eggs, laid above the waterline. I use ramshorn snails as "waste disposal" officers with my killies. They leave nice tidy rubbish packets easy to syphon out, especially when using BBT's.
  17. Aquanut lives in a rented house with drive in double garage attached, in it (garage) he then built a collapsible fish room that is buzzing. One silent "The Pump" style pump supplies all the air and more, that is used there. Completly enclosed and well insulated in the building process has ensured that it's running costs are kept to a minimum. He has it fully wired out and also plumbed. What else does a killiephile need other than new species and more tanks. Reading back over that I should be in the real estate business.
  18. Alan

    wellington pond

    Golden barbs, rosy barbs, maybe bronze corys and possibly zebra danios. Also some species of killies, but at this point in time I don't think are available in NZ.
  19. Check out the fish-farmer up Wainui way. I'm sure they'll pick out a pair for you. They are advertising on TradeMe at the moment. Comets would be kewl to start with.
  20. trio of P82's trio of australe choc's pairs of degati 2 x trio of gardneri nigeriatum trio of australe gold's That's how I would split them. If you don't, it is possible for the P82's would cross with the gardneri nigeriatum, and the two australe morphs would also cross. Dageti is ok with any of the others. I have not heard of the nothos with aeration affecting them tho. I'm almost certain that Aquanut has aeration in all his tanks. To get over the problem of multiple heaters, that's so easy. Build a fishroom. Go on. You know you want to. Even a wardrobe can be converted and heated only using a light bulb.
  21. Alan

    kadango or not?

    What should they be named? Personally, I'd like to see the scientific name used, and if not sure, a knowledgably person like yourself can ID them thru a photo. Also if the FNZAS Breeding Coordinator sees these come thru in reports can question the naming of them. Thanks for your efforts Frenchy.
  22. When you say that you bought two killies, what did you mean? Two males of the same species? A pair? Two, but different species? What species were they? Why do you need to put them into different tanks? Finally, where did you get them from?? Ifthey do have to be separated, a divider in a two footer would be ok. But be very careful, those fish are expert jumpers. So you will need to block them out of the tank and also from over the divider. I find a garden hose, split lengthwise, is a good implement to close the gaps in the areas referred to above.
  23. Alan

    Sick seahorse???

    Please keep correspondence in the forum as it helps other members. Thanks
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