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About 2fishy

  • Birthday 12/19/1981

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    Te Awamutu
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  1. 2fishy

    Cloudy Eye

    A friend has a goldfish that has a cloudy eye, its in apond, has been for 4 years, the other fish are fine. said fish is still eating and acting normal. how do u treat this? does fish need to be separated?
  2. Will do. and thanks for ur help :bounce:
  3. yea i did use a gravel vac when i did their water change. maybe i shocked them when i changed the water.
  4. I dont do a water change very often :oops: maybe every couple months, they got whitespot when i added in 4 more neons. there are no visible signs of the whitespot but i should keep treating even tho?
  5. oh its 22degrees. its always been about that and i turned it up just a smidge thinking they mite get cold coz of winter to 24degrees but have since turned it down to 22 and they still sad! they seem to nly swim around when ppl go near the tank. maybe they are bored!
  6. Hey all, i have 8 neons and 1 bristlenose in a 20L tank. they have all been fine as up until i did a 40% water change almost a week ago. i put in stresscoat when i did it. but now the neons seem to just sit on the bottom, they still are colourful and come up to eat but just dont swim around like they used to! i tested the water and pH is 6.8, zero ammonia and nitrites. i usually do a 50% water change and they have always been fine. the bristlenose seems as good as gold. its just the tetra im concerned about. i can see any obvious signs of disease, altho i have treated them recently for whitespot and this is why i did the waterchange. should i maybe dose them again?? i just dont know........
  7. ok thanks but can u tell me what they are commonly called in the pet stores please?
  8. will try that alan and will also buy a few more plants that are close to the bottom and see if they grow.
  9. i just replaced a tube on my small 2 ft tank and bought a 10000k bulb from the LFS for it. cost me $20. ill have a think about adding an extra lighthood to the 4ft tank, but i dont have any more spare plugs so will have to work something out!
  10. ok thanks. also i know of people using regular tubes that people would have on their own ceilings. is this advisable? or is it best to get the proper ones thru the LFS? and if so why arent the regular tubes ok?
  11. oh and alan you are right about the plant it is what you said. do i need more intense tubes?
  12. lights are on about 12 hours a day, maybe i should up that? 1 tube is only about 2-3 months old and the other mite be about a year old.
  13. the plants i have been trying to grow are polysperma and hygrophila mostly, some of the red hygro has survived and getting quite tall and the leaves at the top look really healthy compared to the lower part of the plant. The water is 45cm deep and the light is 4cm above the water. i am pretty sure one of the tubes is a grolux and the other one could be a standard one? i dont think a 4ft hood will fit inside the lid on my fish tank coz it will be ever so slightly to long.
  14. i was reading another thread about this but didnt wanna invade it with my question. i have a 200L tank, with only about 20 neons, 1 blue ram and 1 bristlenose. the tank is about 500 deep and the lighting isnt very strong and most of the plants keep dying, the plants in my other tank seem to do ok coz they are very deep and the lighting is stronger. Do i need to get metal halide? the tank is 4ft long and i have a 3ft double lighthood in it.
  15. The duboisi orange belt fish ur talking about is probably an orange flame tropheus and yeah i think its from lake tanganyika, the black and blue little stripey ones are probably demasoni most likely form malawi but they seem to get along ok. (tropheus) duboisi are black with white dots as juvies, very cute but very expensive and from memory u guys dont have any.
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