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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Fry them with butter and a little salt. Lovely on fresh toast. Alan 104
  2. And Duke, what area are you from???????????????? We'll be able to point you in the right direction then if we know. Alan 104
  3. Put a piece of polystyrene, 6" square floating in their tank the male will build there Not near the air riser or similar and when they breed, don't put your hand near them. They are fast, and they hurt. Alan 104
  4. Yes they are very easy to sex The females lay eggs, and if the hatch, the other one is a male. Reasonably easy to breed. Interesting to watch doing it too. Woops, :roll: Look down on them from above, if they are mature enuf. The females will have a ruff "Y" shape, the male will have a "V" shape. Alan 104
  5. BK, see carriej they are sellers, good prices too. You'll find them in this forum. Alan 104
  6. Pity the person never kept to his quota then the court order. maybe you'd have a job and rimu would still be coming out. Think again Alan 104
  7. Trim the other side off to even him up. The poor fishie will be swimming in circles and having to compensate for it. I've had them wear out there "whiskers" in the gravel that I use, I've seen no regrowth, but they still seem to cope okay. Alan 104
  8. Wots rong wif green milik?? Alan 104
  9. Just have to put the micro-worms into Kiwi-Juice, and they'll express themselves. Alan 104
  10. Alan


    Chim, are you saying RnB is simple? Not nice, not nice at all. Alan 104
  11. If you ca do it. I think the best aquarium water can be got at the top of the Kaimai Ranges. A couple of hundred yards backup the hill from where that van went over. It is so smooth. Warren did a test on it for me once with all his fancy test equipment,and found. The water was wet. That was about it. Absolutely ripper to drink, and if I was making home-brew, that's where I'd get the water. Try it for yourself. Doesn't cost anything except a nice drive. Alan 104
  12. Alan

    pond fish

    Have ya got an electric fish stunner That's the way to get them Alan 104
  13. Make sure that you have snails in the tank with them. They do two things, eat left over food, and create infusorians. Shae, what is "microworm milk"???? Alan 104
  14. There is another chain of LFS in Auck. (I'm not allowed to name them) that also sell supposedly Cold water guppies. I spoke to both owners when last in Auck. and got the same crap. As Caryl says, try them in an unheated, uncovered, pond thru winter, and I'll drink a glass of water from my PACU tank. You can't breed a fish to like a temperature. Go ahead and waste ya money. DUH ! What's this about pug? Ya got something against those kewl little doggies. Alan 104
  15. LOR, what's this about minnows looking like PUGS??????????????? Alan 104
  16. There was a guy in Morrinsville that collected CL's that had these deformities. I think he thought they were rare as he use to pay silly prices to obtain them. They take a long time to mature, and when you see a PAIR of them, there is no mistaking the sex. Boys slim, females rotund. Alan 104
  17. Alan

    M A F

    I personally think you guys are nutters discussing this openly. I'd ask the moderator to delete the thread, if they won't then edit to zero your discussions. Scorched earth, here we come. Alan 104
  18. They are a sign of excess food. You know what you have to do Alan 104
  19. That killie would love it for spawning too Alan 104
  20. Golden barbs and rosy barbs are okers with that temp too. So are a range of killies. IF you can get them that is. Alan 104
  21. Robbie, keep the tank unlit and clean,also use a small treatment of methylene blue to stop any fungal attacks. If you have live food, use that, it is there when the barb feels hungry and will not decay if it isn't. If it has only been beaten up it should recover with this treatment. When replacing it in the tank, just before lights out, feed the aquarium first, let them eat, add the fish, then dim the lights. Make sure you keep your eyes open for any more bullying and remove culprit. Alan 104
  22. What do you mean by "pugs of the aquatic world"?? Alan 104
  23. That's easy Dawn. You started keeping fish. Alan 104
  24. and I haven't even seen it. Would be more scarey with mine tho I think. NO COMMENT CARYL Alan 104
  25. I had them breed for me in a pond in Whakatane and over winter Didn't count on the BIG flood in July tho. It would depend on where the applicant lives I suppose Carrriej. Alan 104
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