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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Alan

    Alan's Turtles

    Good going Willie. I'm not far from this site EVA Alan 104
  2. Pray tell me T&V, what are "fire-heads"? Alan 104
  3. Yes Go for it, and tell your friend to learn a bit about what he tells you Alan 104
  4. Alan

    air pumps

    By the sound of it Steve, you have a bad case of the onset of MTS. As Bill suggests, get a big muvver, "the pump" or "halipai" (which I use) are a good choice Quieter than any small diaphragm pump and giving heaps more air than what you'll need for the moment. A bit of advise tho, when you buy and air-pump, get extra diaphragms at the same time for replacements. Alan 104
  5. KY jelly Peg?? I use a blade from a old disposable shaver, the blade is very thin, sometimes if you rush the job you'll break it, so, take your time if the ramp goes right across, slide it to the widest part of the tank after the glue is cut, and then tilt it to get it out. There is a larger bit of flexibility of the tank walls at that point. Place a bit of polystyrene on the bottom of the inside of the tank in case the ramp drops inadvertantly. Remove excess glue after removal with a sharp razor blade or similar Alan 104
  6. Phillz, don't try to give them back, DO IT, Make sure that they are no longer in this world tho, as it is illegal to give, buy, donate, or any other such thing with these fish. Unless they are dead of course Inform her when you return the bodies that she is liable for a fine of $5000 plus, and/or a period in jail. Don't ask for your $5 back, demand it, as she said they were guppies and they aren't. Fair trading act. No loss to them as they removed them illegally from the water-way. Hope they never brought any diseases into your tank of your fish. Why weren't they q'd???? Never mind. Go get Her Phillz. Alan 104
  7. Yep, the steaks and old and new friends made it all worth while. Thanks Rob for being an excellent host. Even Rose enjoyed the occassion. I think. Alan 104
  8. No Morf, but I think the Scottish heritage is showing a little under their kilts. Alan 104 ps Duncan Clan
  9. Alan


    You can sex them easily The boys have a straight blue line, the gurls have a bent one. Follows the curve of their fat tummies They love eating heir eggs, and the tank needs to be covered competely from ALL lite. So it really means you have to set up a special tank for them. G'luck Alan 104
  10. Rob, will Brian be open tomorrow?? I got that one on TM at Morrinsville That is a good price, I was paying that when they were only 40mm. Then they got killed by my big fella, $%#*&^)_@ Alan 104
  11. How's it going Inter?? 2 months down the track. Alan 104
  12. Alan

    Feeding Fish

    Calvin, was the second post due to your head hitting the keyboard???? :roll: Alan 104
  13. Alan

    hiding places

    Hiding places get your fish to react more naturally If they know that they have a place of refuge, then they'll show more courage and display. It is ALMOST imperative, when breeding cichlids to have a hiding place or two for one or the other. Otherwise you are going to be removing a dead body. That doesn't only apply to cichlids either, the plantings can be classified as "hiding places", also making your tank look more natural. Take a look at the tank in the Xmas tree thread. Alan 104
  14. Alan

    born free

    I once had a local leather-jacket that I caught in a rock pool, only 100mm or so long, he grew fairly fast, and use to spit water at me as I ate my meal in front of him He wanted peas off my plate. But like all good things, I too had to release him, he'd got close to 300mm by then. So I took him around the "Heads" and released him into a channel in the rocks that led out to the open sea. I climbed the cliff behind me, and watched him swim slowly down the channel to the big aquarium, I too had tears running down my cheeks. I like to think he made it ok. Alan 104
  15. Try water blasting them. Or find a friendly jet pilot and get him to run them thru his jet-engine. Alan 104
  16. I keep mine outa the tank and dry asp. Otherwise the steel oxidizes and the glue seal breaks Alan 104
  17. Take ya plants out and give them a three minute dip in sea water. Don't think it will kill the eggs tho, if there are any. Alan 104
  18. Alan

    Tank bracing

    Does it have end braces? If so, how wide are they? Alan 104
  19. Hairspray is bad too. I insist on having two doors, closed, from the fishtank to the contaminant. I have tanks in my lounge and also the spare bedroom/puta room. We stop the ingress of flies by having screens on the front and back doors. Other than that, it's a soft twitch with a fly swat, and my "gold wonders" are waiting with their mouths wide open. For the uninitiated, those are killies. Alan 104
  20. Alan

    Jewel Fry

    You have a naughty streak in you I think Dawn. Alan 104
  21. Alan

    Jewel Fry

    As long as you have a it of cover, at that size I'm sure they'll be okers Shame about the one that got "filtered" What did the swap consist of?? Alan 104
  22. Alan


    Welcome on board From someone who has had experiance at having to repair broken bottoms (tank bases that is) I would strongly recommend that you get a polystyrene pad under your tank and your future ones that I'm sure you'll be getting. Alan 104
  23. But ya can't boil reel plants itha Alan 104
  24. Hi Emma, jump in, the waters fine. I'd advise you not to go to the chat room. It is such a time waster. Filled with nutters, and to top it off, I'm there most nights. So don't blame me if "strange" things happen. C ya soon Alan 104
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