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Everything posted by Alan

  1. But Carl may want to breed them. Yes, Livebearer is correct, Tiger Barbs. Alan 104
  2. Your meeting date in my opinion is something to be considered. Try not to have your meeting on the same day, or in the same week as others in the area. That way, you don't have what apparently happened here. In fact there are some who people do belong to more than the one club. Alan 104
  3. Alan


    Yeah Duke make sure it is a heated pool, put viewing windows in the side and then YOU can have the biggest "reef" in NZ Alan 104
  4. Ya doing okers there mate. They are tiny to start with, just that you didn't see them all when they first hatched. If you've got them thru to 10days of age, you are doing something right. Be patient, they'll grow. Try them on BBS as soon as possible. Alan 104
  5. Wow, that's the biggest intro ever. Good to see that you have found the site. I notice you don't have killies, why? Are they hard to get or just not your fish of choice? Any way, we have a chat going almost ever night, from NZDST 9.00pm., till ya head hits the keyboard. Alan 104
  6. And what about evaporation?? :roll: Alan 104
  7. What is some phosphate removers you guys use? Rowaphos, salifert, JBL etc? Just in case you guys have forgotten that this was a question, not a discussion and a slam-bam-thanks-sam. Try keeping to the topic. Maybe ya could go into the commercial area and do your advertising there. Man, I'm glad I'm a killi keeper, if I was a newbie saltie, I'd be away from this site and prolly loose some good smart people, and information, but I wouldn't take the risk. Wake up before you stuff it up. Alan 104
  8. Ya got it one hit. Golden Wonders have huge mouths and attidudes to match. Aren't scared of whittling a bigger fish down to a better mouthful either. Now you know why WE keep them in species tanks. But they could be kept with suitably sized fish. NO!! It doesn't mean Oscars either. Alan 104
  9. They aren't really wild guppies. They are the result of degenerative breeding. With of course the degeneration of the special fins, colours, size, etc Alan 104
  10. Alan


    Nothing of importance. I sent in the same post twice. (note the times) Didn't want someone to ask if I was stuttering. Alan 104
  11. I'd go nuts too at 3.00am Stew, if ya brought me my porridge. Alan 104
  12. Alan

    Hi :)

    Welcome G, why not come into the "chatroom" and meet some of us 'personally'. We don't talk about silly things like fish. Well, not unless you want to. Or maybe ask questions. Step into the water, you'll only get wet. Welcome aboard. Alan 104
  13. And to get a BAP. Just imagine a 6 footer with 40 of them cruising. Kewl We all know that only ppl who care to register their breeds, count. Don't we?? Alan 104
  14. Saw some nice ones up at AK in the week-end Rob. But it was in one of the J shops I visited on my first day up there, and I didn't think I'd be able to keep them in a box for the whole weekend. As it was not on my route home I failed to get back that way. So maybe they are still there. Those were spawning or so close it wasn't funny Good on you too by the way. I think that would be another first in NZ?? How many babies?? Alan 104
  15. Go for the curse of all aquarists, try green water for a fortnight. By then they should be ready for the newly hatched brine shrimp. Good one; by the way, what's next on the agenda?? Alan 104
  16. Why not go and find out?? It's a brand new club and YOU can be part of history. You can be part of the decision makers. Support your local groups, and they'll support you. Alan 104
  17. I know I'll miss your cheerful welcome Kim. Thanks so much to you and Eleanor and John, I've enjoyed my association with the shop and your family over the years. Must be close to thirty years. Doesn't time go by fast when ya having fun. Hope you have sucess in your new, chosen job and all the best for the future Kim. You take care ya hear?? Alan 104
  18. Improve your water conditions and prepare for the next brood. What caused the white-spot? Think about it; as fry like this, will be very difficult to save, and you won't want to make the same mistake next time. Good luck with the next lot. Alan 104
  19. Alan

    Is it OKAY

    Hi gang. On behalf of an aquaintance of mine, I've been asked if it is ok to use salt, that you can get by the bag, from Farmlands? He is wanting to start up a heavy brackish tank for some scats. In doing so, he has got this type of salt, and put in some mollies to cycle it. So far without too much sucess. Out of the five he has bought, four have died. He wants to know, is this the fault of the salt? or is it the mollies just can't take the change from the shop tanks to his? Or any other ideas. He is 85, and I'm sure would find it a bit tedious to go collect seawater from the Ohiwa harbour. Thanks for your indulgence. Alan 104
  20. and if ya can't tell the difference at the LFS and they are all the same That's because they are all males They seem to be doing that with a few species now. No girlfriends for the celibate males Alan 104
  21. Alan

    dying fish

    Alright if ya don't like blood, just put it into a plastic bag and slam it into a concrete floor or similar. Alan 104
  22. Ours arrived today Caryl, thanks Alan 104
  23. Comes in handy when you have a situation like that to have one of those 1000 - 2000 watt immersion heaters. WARNING Don't get distracted using them tho. Fish don't get use to HOT water. Alan 104
  24. Alan

    dying fish

    Sharp knife behind the head. Separate the spine close to the skull. Not when the youngster is there tho. Alan 104
  25. Alan


    Hope ya checked with the local tangatawhenua before getting the rocks. Alan 104
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