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Everything posted by Alan

  1. You'll need a bare bottom tank to feed microworm Alan 104
  2. What concerns me is the fact that the filter will pull the babies into it. You say You could use an air-driven sponge filter, or an u/g filter, or with such a low bio-load in the tank, nothing. If the tank is a well matured, used, set-up, the parents will take the babies out browsing and no supplementary feeding will be necessary. If not, and you are going to feed the BBS. DON'T feed that until the babies are free swimming. Prolly 4 plus days from hatching. Wriggling on the bottom, in pits etc, is not free swimming. Wait for them to come up in a cloud, THEN feed them BBS. There isn't any big rush. You may want to take the babies out at about 10 days after this stage too. I didn't and paid the consequences, Mum and Dad had a big feed. Not next time tho. Good luck Alan 104
  3. Thankyou Alana Enjoy yourself and make sure you have good sunnies to protect you from snow-glare. Don't forget the winter woolies either, Safe travels. Alan 104
  4. Not a snow-ball's chance in, well you know where. UNLESS you have an import licence and a quarantine station to put them thru. Get in touch with NZ Discus Man. (?) He say in one of his posts that he will be importing plants, and he does have a Q station. Prolly get them cheaper thru him, than paying transportation cost as well as the rest of the costs too. Short answer. Nope. Not without a lot of problems. Alan 104
  5. PM Pegasus, he had some for sale, I think. Alan 104
  6. Meowwwwwww :evil: Alan 104
  7. Shae, your scheeli and gardneri should not be together. I hope they aren't. Alan 104
  8. Polished my glasses. Oh yeah !! There they are Alan 104
  9. Put them all in together so as they can select their own pair. Why stop their fun? May have to THEN separate them, but have dither fish in with them. Makes them guard their eggs and off spring better. Remove any babies about two weeks after free swimming. Mum and Dad will be wanting to get down and get it on again about then, and they'll eat the babies first. Goodluck Alan 104
  10. Only just read and replied to your PM. What a jolly nuisance these fellows are. Why don't the females do the decent thing, so that you can carry on trying to breed them. Did you get any eggs from both species before they jumped, or died. I remember you said you had eggs. But not sure which ones. I have eggs coming soon. Have you checked with Stu? Alan 104
  11. Alan

    my new fish

    Try keeping Killies then. Alan 104
  12. I can't see the pics. They have developed the RED-CROSS disease Alan 104
  13. Thank you for that Caryl President NZKA Alan Your welcome Fay. you've a few to choose from. Alan 104
  14. Don't like ya chances there Dawn. Those JD's can be feisty. Alan 104
  15. Woops, Bad mistake there 250. UNLESS you have holes in the bottom for drainage. It is really only a small bucket filled with dirt, worms, and their damp food that is covered and can not breathe, or evaporate. So it gradually gets wetter and wetter, drowning the inhabitants. Slimy are the dead worms up the side are escaping drowning. Just need a couple of holes punched in the bottom. Alan 104
  16. Have you not got any drainage in your system Shae?? After rescuing some of your drowning worms and starting your new culture as per PEG. Aerate the soil of you old mix by turning it over with a hand-weeding fork. What is your w/w culture that you have now, in at the moment?? Alan 104
  17. Alan

    New tank mates

    Phillz, if you go to the thread that Caryl had of her angels spawning in her tank. You can see a perfect way of sexing your angels. Look at the pic of her adult fish. They are perfectly placed to see what I am about to tell you. Side on, bang on for what I'm about. Draw an imaginary line from the base of the gill plate to the base of the Caudal peduncal. Note the difference of the angle where the ventral fins come from. The female is almost a 45degree and the male (closest) is noticably flatter. This system is almost infallible, all you have to do is have a group to compare one another with, or a little bit of experiance at the "angle" of the angel. Alan 104
  18. Cuttings Steve. Cuttings. When you "tip' your main stem, it will then start to bush-out. Tip the new ones, now you're really heading towards a bushy plant. What to do with the cuttings? Trim off the leaves that will be under the gravel (so the don't rot), then bend the stem down into the gravel so as the gravel holds it down and the roots will soon start forming. But be careful of any boisterous fish. You could end up with a lot of floating ambulia until of course the developing roots can hold it in place. WARNING I have read some where, that the sap of freshly picked ambulia is poisonous. I haven't found this so, maybe you need a lot of cuttings to do the damage. Alan 104
  19. Naughty naughty, jumping the subject there guys. Saltwater snails and discus tanks don't match too well, do they???? Alan 104
  20. Are the mozzies live that you feed them? If so, then ten bob to a knob of goat's, that it came in with that. Alan 104
  21. The eggs of kullies are green, I would expect the babiesto be the same. Initally any way. How fast does this "thing" swim?? Alan 104
  22. Cause ya light bulb acts on a thermostatic control It works. Ask ej Alan 104
  23. The girls lay the eggs. If they hatch, and you have two fish in the tank. The other is a boy. :roll: Yep they are a bit hard to tell. But go for the body shape, when the female is ready to spawn she is a lot heavier and fatter than the male. There's a slight variation in the fins, bit it's hard at times to pick out. Alan 104
  24. Wasp, I hope it wasn't the term that I make, and made about marine aquarist as "saltie" has you offended. It really is only a differentation of freshies to salties. If so, duh! :roll: It is not used in a derogative way at all, and I find it a lot easier to write than marine aquarist. I'm sure Ira could come up with a much longer name. Alan 104
  25. The red cross virus strikes again Sorry, no can see. Alan 104
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