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Everything posted by Sheepsnana

  1. I honestly think live plants are a lot more interesting than snails.
  2. Kiwi. I recently found out that the mother of my friend that lives two doors down from me, grew up with my dad, and he lived 2 doors down from her. Small world.
  3. I got it free with the WoW Annual Pass. :happy2: Another month and I can cancel that. Stupidest idea ever.
  4. I haven't seen that before. I thought my Nitrate reading was 0, in a moderately planted tank, but it turns out the LFS needed to read their instructions a bit better.
  5. I have named my Pleco Freddy, he just looks like a freddy. TK is my big male Kribensis, Butters is my medium sized Krib, and Taylor is the small Krib. The girls have not been named yet, as I can't tell them apart. Vincent and Duncan were guppies, they were sold. Scott and Heidi were my first two bristlenose. Both died after 6 days. Doug was my first adult male bristlenose. He was put to sleep after a very nasty infection caused by rubbing against some rocks. Murray and Jesse are my current breeding pair of bristlenose. Jesse was with Doug but nothing happened until Murray showed up. Blue is the big blue/opaline gourami. Spot, and Tiger are the names of my platinum gourami. Flo passed away from being egg-bound (Tiger you lazy ....) Simon was our siamese fighter, but hexamita got him early on. Wow, this is depressing. I get attached to my fish, even if I don't name them.
  6. Sheepsnana

    is this real???

    Some things I really didn't want to know. Such as, that these exist. Such as, that they are common in NZ.
  7. I have recently added fish to my tank from a tank that exploded. I was also told to watch the clown loaches for white spot, since stress can trigger it. Temp sits at 27ºC. No white spot, no meds. :thup: Good work. Many people think meds work as a vaccine, but they don't.
  8. Yes I have bought second hand equipment, but if I'm going to buy it new, I consider local shops before imports. I had the option of getting my canister filter from HFF for $139 or buying it from my local store for $189. I spoke to the local store, they said they simply couldn't match it, so I bought it from the local store anyway. I buy local fish off TM as well as from the pet store. If we were to only use TM and trade between ourselves, there would be no new genes coming in :roey:
  9. And if everyone did this, the price of fish would have to go up, to cover revenue lost from stock not selling. A very rough example: without importing: buying 30 fish locally at $10 each, and equipment locally at $400. Total: $700 with importing, after a few years of no local equipment or food sales: buying 30 fish locally at $20 each, and equipment imported at $350. Total: $950. This is where I see the current import action taking us. My figures are only examples, but you get the idea.
  10. Yet you refuse to talk to the local store and inform them that importing it elsewhere is cheaper, so how will they know "oh, we are overpriced" rather than "oh, no one wants this item, we'll stop stocking it"?
  11. http://www.stuff.co.nz/environment/7711 ... reputation
  12. Heading to Auckland (from Tauranga) and back tomorrow. Let me know if you want something picked up or dropped off. Heading out at about 8am ish, will be there most of the day. Not sure on a return time yet
  13. :smot: Yes Godly, I had a bit of a spit with Smidey about it. He couldn't seem to realise that HFF have NZ staff to pay, and therefore may need to charge more than an American outfit.
  14. My daughters name is Shiana. At our first club meeting, Mark called her Sheeps nana. She took it well so I used the name.
  15. Then maybe try http://maps.google.com/help/maps/getmap ... multi.html?
  16. Theres a side menu on the right. Untick driving directions, then retick your destinations, one by one.
  17. bengalese are very common in the Tauranga area. Mum keeps buying them, and they keep getting out.
  18. Try what? He threw the contact number onto it, and I've sent it back. Also have the templates ready for Animal Antics and Kiwipetz
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