I have named my Pleco Freddy, he just looks like a freddy.
TK is my big male Kribensis, Butters is my medium sized Krib, and Taylor is the small Krib. The girls have not been named yet, as I can't tell them apart.
Vincent and Duncan were guppies, they were sold.
Scott and Heidi were my first two bristlenose. Both died after 6 days. Doug was my first adult male bristlenose. He was put to sleep after a very nasty infection caused by rubbing against some rocks.
Murray and Jesse are my current breeding pair of bristlenose. Jesse was with Doug but nothing happened until Murray showed up.
Blue is the big blue/opaline gourami. Spot, and Tiger are the names of my platinum gourami. Flo passed away from being egg-bound (Tiger you lazy ....)
Simon was our siamese fighter, but hexamita got him early on.
Wow, this is depressing.
I get attached to my fish, even if I don't name them.