But if you disregard the media, and actually go out yourself, you notice some very interesting statistics.
As a sober driver, you can notice a lot more of what is going on around you. It's not 18-24 year olds out on the town, getting pissed off their feet. They can't afford it.
It's the 30-45 year olds. They can afford it, they grew up with it, and they want a good time.
And that guy licking that other guy's ear was just plain gross. :sick:
There's your issue, not so much the teenagers, but the adults. They're not teaching the kids to drink responsibly. While they're out on the town, the kids buy in bulk and drink at a mates place. Unsupervised.
Logan drank the vessel from the 4 Kings game. He puked, como'd out (we kept an eye on him, kept him clean and warm), slept it off on the couch, and woke up with a girl in his arms and no idea where his pants where.
In NZ, he's called a legend.