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Everything posted by Godly3vil

  1. Im just not looking foward to when my partner notices all the extra feedback on our trademe account thats 90% for fish-related stuff lol.
  2. Don't be tempted to try to smuggle anything back with you :slfg:
  3. Last time I had to remove my breeding pair of kribs I tried for an hour than ended up just pulling EVERYTHING out of the tank and lowering the water level to about 100mm and even then they weren't easy, damn fish.
  4. wow nice photography dude, you have some serious talent there, man I miss the scenery of marlborough. Especially around the sounds.
  5. Makes me want to set up a native tank just for these lol, congrats dude.
  6. There are times where I would trade my mrs for even a few measly guppys and platys lol.
  7. You lucky s.o.b! I have been searching for a female for so damn long lol, keep me posted if you raise some of them please dude.
  8. Thanks for the advice guys, still not 100% sure if I want to use them or not, might be better to just use some fresh driftwood for the tannins. Are tannins even necessary for apistogramma trifasciata to breed succesfully?
  9. Godly3vil

    My 2 tanks

    Nice looking setups man, especially the cichlid setup.
  10. Nice looking tank and fish dude, good job. Also what is that substrate you are using and what is that plant you are growing under the mesh at the front?
  11. How often do you change your oak leaves? Or do you just leave them in there till they decay?
  12. If I was half as skilled as you, (and had enough funds) I would be doing the same I guess. Beautiful looking fish dude, wow.
  13. I liked the overgrown look better, not that this doesnt look great either though.
  14. haha, and I thought it was just me who had a small fish that acts like jiminy cricket that haunts me!
  15. I think the west coast of the south island is so beautiful, I have friends that live in Hokitika and can't wait to visit them in october, btw amazing pics!
  16. I seriously don't know why people keep saying north Invers is better/safer lol, the only difference is you can pay $100+ more for the same type of place lol. You have to consider that the whole of Invers is probably only the size of a small suburb in any large North Island city so it only takes 20 minutes max to get anywhere within the city/town limits. Also I have lived "south of tay street" my whole life and never had any problems with crime etc. yet I know people who live in north Invers who have had multiple issues so the choice is yours. Only place I wouldn't reccommend is probably Glengary area, its like south auckland lol.
  17. haha I am going to start lifting the hose aswell, GREAT IDEA! :slfg:
  18. what are you going to be studying at the s.i.t? I have recently enrolled there after being made redundant.
  19. I seen this tank in person awhile ago when I purchased some awesome clown loaches from him, it was amazing and makes my tanks look bare and pitiful lol, I still tell people about it!
  20. Theres not really any suburbs you have to worry about lol. It's a pretty quiet and sleepy town really, be prepared for the cold though hehe and yeah mate, 20minutes in any direction and you can catch yourself a feed, we have some awesome diving aswell. Just don't be thinking you will be catching any kingies etc. lol. Where are you relocating from btw?
  21. Had him for over a year now so doubt it, I think hff just got some more in, anyone know if they have male and female?
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