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Everything posted by Godly3vil

  1. I don't have any experience with africans but I don't see why not, in theory it sounds good but you might need quite a decent amount of lime to raise the ph high?
  2. Dan? I'm sure he said Steve :slfg: Yip haha. Abit of Friday-itis Caryl?
  3. Godly3vil

    12L Nano

    Looks good man. :thup:
  4. I wonder how long till this thread mysteriously disappears aswell? :digH: :spop:
  5. Thats what the one I bought was labeled as. Seems to be poor quality stock though, he didn't even last a week.
  6. Thanks Caryl, already read your sticky. I'm just interested to see if there is enough people with abit more experience than myself and the other people I know, I've only been keeping fish on and off for a few years so am reasonably new to the hobby. It would be pointless me starting one until I have a rough idea on the amount of people interested. Don't really want to put too much time into it at this stage with only 5 people not including myself when we already see each others setups on a regular basis and between us don't really have too much knowledge, well not technical knowledge etc. If I can get another 3+ people I will contact the local paper to get an article put in. I have asked the LFS down here about this and they told me it would be a waste of time which is not very encouraging, pretty sure they are just worried about losing business.
  7. Hi, I was wondering if there is enough interest down here to start an Aquarium Club in Southland? There doesn't seem to be one down here and I know 5+ people who would be interested in establishing one. If you are interested please pm me so I can make sure there is actually enough people who will join and participate in club meetings etc. Cheers Jamie
  8. Nice, I love Hoplo's, just a heads up these can grow to over 12-15cm so might have to get a bigger tank down the track sometime.
  9. another extraordinary pic young man! It's kind of freaky how good at photography you are....
  10. Hi, I was thinking about getting a few of these to put in with some discus in a 450ltr tank. I was wondering if they would be fine as discus like higher temps. Or does anyone have any suggestions on which other plecs would be suitable? http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/sp ... ies_id=211 Cheers.
  11. Here ya go beets, some info on posting pics viewtopic.php?t=2406
  12. Welcome dude, always good to see a new person to the hobby.
  13. If there is anyone out there who is thinking of keeping these lovely Apisto's I definitely would recommend buying some from Danval, I got 10 off him about a month ago and they are beautiful, healthy fish. I think one of the females may have just spawned already! Thanks again Danval!
  14. Should have just set up a sump
  15. Sounds kinda fishy to me :sml1:
  16. You must be getting close to overstocking this tank now though? Especially with the 90 harliquins..
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