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Everything posted by Godly3vil

  1. You could be onto a nice little money-making scheme there, renting out your royal group to clean up peoples tanks :slfg:
  2. +1, I would put money on it being this.
  3. Thank you, thats exactly what I was asking. But it said in the article he was charged with multiple charges including importing live plants and "new and second-hand aquarium equipment", so I was wondering what sort of equipment he was importing that got him charged.
  4. Is it possible for you to remove it to a hospital tank? Fix it again and see if it happens while it is isolated by itself? Just an idea.
  5. In February Mr Tan pleaded guilty to 36 charges relating to importation of unauthorised aquatic plants and new and second-hand aquarium equipment from Singapore into New Zealand between August 2004 and October 2005. He traded the items through the TradeMe website, deliberately selecting plants from Singapore that he knew were unavailable in New Zealand. Does this mean we are not allowed to import stuff from overseas??? Or is it because he brought second-hand items?
  6. I dare say that when your silver dollars are fully grown they would make a quick meal out of the guppys. You never know though, sometimes fish surprise you...
  7. In my experience it won't matter how fast your plants grow your clowns will still destroy them lol, I wouldn't bother with co2 if I were you.
  8. Looking good! Really liking the blue painted background for a setup like this.
  9. That sounds like my partner, thanks for the new nickname :slfg:
  10. Cheers mate I will probably take you up on that offer sometime. Also what type of heating are you using on your 800ltr tank now that your weipro stopped working?
  11. I'm not sure, but would rather have too much bio filtration then not enough. Also I will most prabably run the filter setup as bio/mech anyway. I was actually looking at a few external heaters a few minutes ago, thats probably the way I will go, cheers.
  12. Hey guys, I'm in the process of planning a 450ltr planted tank and was wondering if this heater here would be suitable for it? Would I have to use this in a sump or would it be ok to just attach the heater in the tank? I don't plan on using a sump system yet so hopefully this will do? http://www.fish-street.com/product_deta ... y_code=NZD Also I am planning on using an Eheim 2229 wet/dry filter will this be ok for a freshwater planted tank? I think the filter has intergrated heating but am not 100% sure and I'm not too keen to rely on just this for the heating.
  13. Think I might just stick to my fake version of this plant :slfg:
  14. Looking good man, nice wood!
  15. I think you mean he is lucky that you are into fish as much as he is :slfg:
  16. +1 :slfg: Damn reptile keepers are a skeptical lot arn't they.
  17. I've never brought anything that the main LFS has told me to, they are pretty un-informed when it comes to fish in my opinion. Not helpful at all and they don't seem very interested either. I do believe you should always have the main test kits just in case something goes terribly wrong. 99% of people agree with me and so does every book I've read on the subject. Better to be safe than sorry if you ask me.
  18. wow, :nfs: nearly makes me want to set up a cichlid tank just for the haps
  19. Went and purchased another ph test kit today just to be sure it wasn't a dodgy test or w/e, after running the tap for 35minutes still readin 7.5+.... so don't know. Think I might just go hunting for some more driftwood. Also any idea where I could get some peat from to add to my filter?
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