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Everything posted by Godly3vil

  1. Hes referring to the hybrids that (The guy who brought the salamander) is selling on trademe.
  2. The buyer seems to buy just about any cichlid that gets listed locally, we have such a poor range of stock at our LFS so it's the only way to go.
  3. Everytime I kept guppys and bettas together its usually the guppys fin nipping the betta until he gets angry then its psycho betta time lol.
  4. Thats actually a pretty cool idea, might give it a go
  5. That would have been the smart thing to do, I think they were under pressure to try to get a conviction for this case and cut too many corners, a story told far too many times in NZ.
  6. I was going to post the same thing but didn't want him thinking of me if it does happen to happen :slfg: Move to glengarry and test it!
  7. Its always been high since I moved in, I don't think much is going to change in the next 24 hours. I'll give it a go though and let you know. I was thinking maybe the pipes that supply my house might be to blame? any thoughts on this? I'm not sure about the GH/KH as I havn't got a test kit for it (I know, but I'm a poor student).
  8. I just tested the water out of 3 different taps in my home and all 3 readings are above 7.5......
  9. Thanks guys, fish are healthy as but not so much the plants lol, I don't seem to have much of a green thumb. Thats why I want to give co2 a go.
  10. To me this just proves the NZ justice system is useless. Who else could it have been?
  11. I'm trying to cut down on what chemicals I use, I used to use that API proper ph7.0 but it killed my plants.
  12. Thanks Jennifer, thats how mine is setup already. Though I am using activated carbon aswell.
  13. Time to start building rearing tanks then lol
  14. Some higher quality photos (not by much though coz I cant seem to take a decent picture to save myself), 200ltr tank, Gourami' Apistogramma Trifasciata Corys Bolivian Rams Casper the Black Ghost Knife 54ltr Tank Apistogramma Cacatouides - Recent Some sort of BN Clown Loach
  15. hey guys, what is the best media to use in a canister filter? And the best way to set it up?
  16. Hey, does anyone have any ideas on lowering ph? In my main display tank the ph is quite high (7.8+) and I would like to lower it to around neutral. I have heard adding more driftwood should help is this true?
  17. I seriously should invest in a better camera I guess.
  18. Godly3vil


    Welcome dude, hope you enjoy the country.
  19. And like all small, cute things they become big monsters lol, btw what number plec is that in your avatar?
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