Just bought this tank about a month ago second hand off a guy I met, the tank measures 1540x500x600. It was previously used as a marine tank so it has a glass overflow in the right back corner for a sump, when I get enough knowledge I will utilize this but as I already have 2 canister filters running on it I see no need at the moment so I just got a piece of glass cut and siliconed it over it to prevent leaks/accidents. The stand is solid rimu which was in pretty rough condition as it had been sitting in the guys garage for quite a few years and as stated was previously used for marine so had a few saltwater stains, so I just bought a tin of danish oil and spent nearly 2 weeks sanding and staining it to make it look good and waterproof it. I ended up doing 5 coats on the stand and 8 on the hood to give it a bit more protection from condensation even though I have glass lids aswell. I am using 2 eheim canister filters at the moment - 1 2229 wet/dry & 1 2213 - the wetdry is biological filtration only so running the 2213 with just filter wool for some mechanical for the time being. I have 2 300watt heaters keeping the temp at a steady 29c as I will eventually be stocking it with discus. At the moment I am just running diy co2 which seems to be working a treat and have only had to change the yeast mix once in 2 weeks. The lighting is pretty inadequate for a tank this size as its only running 160watts of T8, I am waiting on some T5HO fittings to turn up that I purchased off trademe so will boost this to 216 watts soon. I plan on completely planting it out with low-medium light needing plants to make it look "full" and cover the background. It's pretty low tech but it's the biggest tank I have setup to date and I am really pleased so far. I am using "Blue Hills" sand from a local landscaping supply company and really like the way it looks, and was a hell of a lot easier to use as a planting medium. I decided to not use any substrate fertilizer as I didn't want a problem with too much nutrients and I already use JBL fertilizer balls and they seem to work. I am dosing 1ml a day of valrays fertilizer mix purchased off trademe and I have already noticed a difference in plant growth and looks.
The fish in there already are 2 large male pearl gourami, 5 neons, 2 bristlenose and 4 young female swordtails. I will be getting rid of the swords and BN as these were just tester fish while the tank was still showing some signs of cycling. Eventually I am going to be stocking it with 2 male and 2 female Apistogramma Trifasciata, 6 L002 Tiger Plecs, 6 Otocinclus, 2 Blue Rams, 30+ Tetras (still not sure which type), 5-6 panda corys and 6 discus - probably red rose or red map. I already have the apistos, L002 and a couple of oto's.
The plants I have in there already are ones I have been collecting for awhile - thanks to the people off here that helped me out, I have some java fern, narrow leaf java fern, windelov java fern, anubias barteri, amazon swords - a few types, straight val, ambulia, rotala rotundifolia, indian fern, about 3 different types of crypts and some others that I am not sure what they're called. This is just the beginning and I plan on adding alot more plants as I get them which is alot harder than I thought it would be.
Feel free to leave suggestions, I would really appreciate some advice and input as I want to get this tank looking like something you might see in a book :slfg: