If you want to breed them then I would separate them into their own tank, doesn't have to be big anything around 60ltrs should do. Make sure the water level is not too high somewhere around 15-20cm should be sufficient and get some type of floating plant that they can build the bubblenest around. To condition them I would be feeding them alot of live or frozen food like white worms, bloodworms, brineshrimp and daphnia. Tank temp should be kept at a constant 26c and make sure the tank has a lid to keep the air above the water nice and humid for the babies if you are successful in getting them to breed. Once the female has laid her eggs and the male has placed them all in the bubblenest remove her without disturbing the nest if possible. The male should be left with the nest and fry until they are free swimming and then you can feed them baby brine shrimp and/or microworms. Small and frequent water changes are important once the babies are free swimming, around 15-20pct every day or so.