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Everything posted by Godly3vil

  1. !drool: !drool: !drool: !drool: !drool:
  2. Cool, good to hear Jaide. :thup:
  3. Delete some of the pictures from your photobucket account
  4. It would be better and safer if you could re-attach the brace. Use proper aquarium silicone and let it set for 72hours before you fill the tank.
  5. I guess it really depends though on what your willing to spend?
  6. I wouldn't bother using chemicals to bring the ph down, it's a waste of money and will do more harm than good. 7.6 will be fine for nearly every shop bought fish as long as you acclimatize them first. Driftwood and peat seem to be the easiest way to lower your ph if you really do have your heart set on it.
  7. Just hate using adapters lol
  8. Is that the co2 regulator from fish-street? If so does it come with a NZ power plug?
  9. Fluvel FX5 or a decent output eheim.
  10. I want to sign his cast! Also that's the look I would expect any cat of Iras to have on his face all the time.
  11. Heaps of people seem to have this happen to them, the problem is mac os doesn't recognize NTFS file system, and when you plug your external HD into it it formats it into fat-32 file system. There is a few programs out there that can recover the photos/files etc but they're built for tech-savvy people and still probably wouldn't be able to recover them all if the HD has been re-formatted properly.
  12. Ahhh so that's what you look like :lol: Good to put a face to a name.
  13. Hate to say it but the advice the shop keeper gave you is not entirely false, in theory that should work but every fish is different and they nearly always behave how you don't expect them too. I have kept 2 male dwarf gourami together in a heavily planted 54ltr with no aggression problems but wouldn't recommend keeping 3 males in the same small tank. If possible return 1 of them and see how it goes. How heavily planted is their tank? They prefer plants that either reach the surface or float on the surface.
  14. Just a thought, maybe because the short photo period your plants are having a hard time using up the available nutrients through photosynthesis? And the algae is flourishing because there is still alot of nutrients available?
  15. Sounds like you are on the right track, just a heads up it is a whole lot easier to raise the fry in a bare bottom tank with no substrate. A sponge filter will be fine and is actually the best type of filtration you can use in a breeding tank. Frozen bloodworms are fine if that is all you can get, I would also get some high quality flake like JBL or Tetramin brands. You can usually find some whiteworm starter cultures on trademe if you look and there is always microworm cultures on there aswell. 27c is fine for them to breed in just don't let the temp drop below 25c.
  16. If you want to breed them then I would separate them into their own tank, doesn't have to be big anything around 60ltrs should do. Make sure the water level is not too high somewhere around 15-20cm should be sufficient and get some type of floating plant that they can build the bubblenest around. To condition them I would be feeding them alot of live or frozen food like white worms, bloodworms, brineshrimp and daphnia. Tank temp should be kept at a constant 26c and make sure the tank has a lid to keep the air above the water nice and humid for the babies if you are successful in getting them to breed. Once the female has laid her eggs and the male has placed them all in the bubblenest remove her without disturbing the nest if possible. The male should be left with the nest and fry until they are free swimming and then you can feed them baby brine shrimp and/or microworms. Small and frequent water changes are important once the babies are free swimming, around 15-20pct every day or so.
  17. Top photo is a male, bottom photo female I'm 90% sure.
  18. Hello & welcome Depends on what type of gourami they are. Here's a thread on posting pictures; viewtopic.php?f=10&t=38081
  19. Yeah, was thinking that. My T5HO's better turn up this week been waiting over 2 weeks now since winning the auction on TM so will see what they are like with higher output lights before I up the fert dosage.
  20. I didn't think my water was considered hard? KH - 4dKH GH - 53.7-71.6
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