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Everything posted by Godly3vil

  1. Cool, sounds like you have the special touch :thup: Good work!
  2. Yeah what Graham said, increase oxygen levels with an airstone or surface agitation.
  3. I can see this topic going to crap pretty quick.
  4. Great work sam, where did you get the inline heater from?
  5. If it were me I would empty the tank and re-silicon it, I have seen worse though on larger tanks.
  6. It has been like this since as long as I can remember, I somehow don't see it changing in many of our lifetimes. I just placed an order from overseas and I don't feel guilty about it at all, maybe if my LFS had purchased some of the fish I have bred instead of getting them from up north I would have spent more effort and money with them. Goes both ways, if they won't support the hobby why should the hobby support them, especially since I am saving over 65% on what I ordered overseas and that includes shipping, even if I could somehow convince the LFS to source me the same products I bet it would still take 2-3months to get it when from overseas it should be here by the end of the week. It is not my fault they can't and wont compete with the growing internet shopping market.
  7. suck on the outflow to create a siphon, should start filling and just plug it in.
  8. Dunedin is probably your best bet, there are 3 petshops in the cbd, I was up there 2 weeks ago and checked them all out. Depending on what you are looking for they all didn't seem to have much in the way of stock and their prices were quite high. Lots of cute puppies though :slfg:
  9. I take it you have never bought anything off trademe or secondhand for that matter then Sheepsnana?
  10. :slfg: I admire your determination! Congratulation dude.
  11. Ive seen a few on TM lately for around $150-250.
  12. Or even a nice flowerhorn, yeah any of the large Central American Cichlids would be fine. Check out this thread here, the fish he keeps in that tank are amazing and would look great in a tank that size; viewtopic.php?f=13&t=60532
  13. Proof Trademe does work, I reported the listing of the freshwater shrimp as it is illegal to sell native fauna and I do not believe he has been breeding them himself and this is their response; "Dear Jamie, Thanks for reporting the listing for: FRESH WATER SHRIMP COLD & TROPICAL. The Trade Me Customer Support Team have reviewed the listing and has deemed that it is in breach of our terms and conditions. As a result the listing has been removed from the site. Thank you for bringing this listing to our attention and making Trade Me a better place to buy and sell. Happy trading Trade Me Customer Support" Now I wonder how long till he just starts another auction :slfg:
  14. Not really, the tank size you are getting would be bare minimum for any of the larger species anyway, certainly wouldn't keep an arowana in a tank that size. Ghost knife fish are cool, I had one not long ago who was out and about all the time, it depends on other tank mates and if they feel comfortable in their environment. Definitely one of the more unusual species available quite easily here in New Zealand. They are actually pretty hardy and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions but should be avoided buying them if they are under 7-9cm in my opinion as they are a slow growing fish and at that size are still pretty much in their fry stage so are a bit more intolerant of poor water conditions and sudden changes in them.
  15. Awesome looking rams, they look like good quality stock. Cant wait till I get a few for my tank again.
  16. Might just get the discus shipped to me overnight, have you ever bought any fish off the trademe seller pauljones?
  17. My BN and common plecs do it when they're not comfortable, like when the lights come on and when I do water changes etc.
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