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Everything posted by Godly3vil

  1. They also say you need to add all the chemicals they produce, but we all know better. I was just going from personal experience and have a more accurate reading if I don't shake too much.
  2. you should never shake the test tube, just tip it upside down a couple of times till the water changes colour.
  3. Hello and welcome to the forum, are you not the original zuri08? Sounds like just common neon breeding behavior to me, I have a group and they constantly bicker with each other especially after I feed them live food. Also 28ltrs is not really enough space even for 3 little neons, they really need alot of room for swimming and should be kept in groups of at least 6-10 preferably more.
  4. Sorry for hi-jacking your thread Souffle, Hey Zev, where did you get your old fire extinguisher tested? and how did you connect the regulator to it, did you have to buy a fitting or? Just asking as I have a few old co2 fire extinguishers in my garage and wouldn't mind using them. Cheers
  5. :nfs: Gotta love the Geo's looks like a really large ram.
  6. Healthy looking tank dude, but where is the link lol?
  7. Here ya go man, it isn't Back to Nature brand like I thought its Real Nature UKO brand?. Measures 117x36cm and the terrace bit measures 117x8-9cm.
  8. BOC gas rent 6.5kg bottles out at $17/month refill costs $41. This should last a tank your size 6-12months @ 1/2bps I would think. The also have a handy pickup and drop off service. You can get a regulator with solenoid for $115 off Trademe.
  9. I was wondering what happened to my snake.....
  10. what size are you after, I have a 120cm Back to Nature one.
  11. :nfs: - Beautiful dude, good to see someone who cares about their fish!
  12. Not true in all cases, some video cards don't support audio over hdmi. Might need a decent soundcard for that?
  13. Just scrub it and chuck it in dude.
  14. Yeah, audio doesn't come out through VGA, its just a standard 3.5mm - 3.5mm audio cable available from any pc shop, even the warehouse might have them. Sorry to say I don't think Veon support internet or wi-fi so the dongle is probably out of the question. Only way is to use it the way you have said above.
  15. Sony? It might be able to hook up to a wireless network with a wi-fi dongle (always sold separately) But like I said you can do it the way you mentioned before with no problems. You might have to play around with the resolution to get it to look nice when its plugged into the tv. What operating system are you running?
  16. Does your tv have an ethernet port on it? How old is it? Most decent branded tvs from the last couple of years should have an internet browser built in all you have to do is plug it into your router. But yes you can just plug the vga cable from your monitor into your tv, just close your pc down first then plug it into the tv and start it back up. Your pc might even have a video card that has other types of connections on it (HDMI,VGA,DVI) so you can run your monitor and the TV.
  17. I don't see any other alternative than emptying the tanks, moving them and refilling them once the carpets been laid, just buy a few 60-80ltr storage tubs from the warehouse, mitre 10 etc. and put a heater and airstone in them. The fish will be fine like that for quite a long time.
  18. Looks awesome! As for hard bottom cave you could just use a flat rock buried under the substrate, they love spawning on them.
  19. Rams and apisto's will be fine together in a 200ltr tank, depending on what other fish you want in there. You could probably have 2 pairs of rams and 2 pairs/trios of most apistogramma species. I keep a trio of A. Trifasciata in a 70ltr with 2 female bolivian rams with no problems. Just make sure you have plenty of plants/driftwood/rocks etc to provide enough refuges for them all and you should have no problems. Neons are a good fish to add, you could have a decent sized school in a tank that size with the dwarf cichlids, aslong as you have good filtration probably 20-25. Heres a good article on creating a good habitat for them; http://www.dwarfcichlid.com/Good_habitat.php
  20. A BGK will eat anything that can fit in its mouth, so that rules out guppys/neon/swords/platys/dwarf cichlids etc. Also 200ltrs is not really big enough for a BGK unless you keep it by itself. I have kept a large one (30cm +) in a 200ltr community tank with rams, gouramis and large sword tails but he wasn't really comfortable and could get quite "pushy" with the other inhabitants. If you do decide to get one maybe try to keep it with algae eaters like common plecos and chinese/siamese algae eaters. They are an awesome fish though and mine would eat out of my hand and loved rubbing against me when I was doing maintenance. They have a habit of sucking the eyes off slower moving fish aswell. Also as they do get really large a planted aquarium is out of the question as they require alot of space to move around. As for filtration if I were you I would try to get a decent canister filter, you can pick up some real good cheap ones on Trademe for the price of 2 hang-on filters. With filtration more is better than not enough. As far as I know there has never been any proven, documented breeding of BGK's to date, although I did read a story about some guy in Aussie breeding them by keeping them in a tank outside on his porch. They are next to impossible to sex and don't get sexually mature until they reach quite a large size, they do grow to over 50cm in captivity I hear. Also as they use electrical impulses to navigate they should not be housed with other fish of the same species or they muck each others sensors up which causes aggression. If you had a monster sized aquarium (1500ltrs +) it might be possible. Hope this helps Jamie.
  21. Hey does anyone know where I can purchase some 46" T5 bulbs from, my LFS doesn't have any and can't order any in for me. Prefer them to be around 6-6.7k as they will be used on a FW planted tank. Cheers.
  22. Hey guys, I recently purchased a second hand tank that has been designed for use with a sump. I have never used sump type filtration before but really want to give it a go since it seems like it would be a waste to not utilize the tank setup. It already has an overflow box with a single hole drilled out through the bottom, what I would like to know is what gear I will need to run a sump and how-to set it up. I've no experience plumbing so any advice would be appreciated. The tank is around 450ltrs when it is full so would a 60ltr sump tank be adequate for good filtration or would I need a bigger one? The tank will sit on a stand that has more than enough room underneath for all the gear I will need so that is not a problem. I would like to run this as bio-mech if possible. I have made a crude design of the tank with paint to give you some idea of what I'm working with. Thanks in advance Jamie.
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