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Everything posted by Godly3vil

  1. They look ok, and if they stick to their warranty claims it looks like a good deal, especially with free shipping.
  2. As metronidazole is a prescription only medication in NZ you're not allowed to import it legally from overseas. Some vets may write a prescription without seeing the fish but most will want to still have a consultation so they can charge for it, even though I can pretty much guarantee they wouldn't know much if anything about tropical fish diseases.
  3. I've had bits of driftwood that have taken months to become water logged, boiling it may help but I wouldn't think by much, it will help remove any tannins contained in the wood though.
  4. Simple solution, get better lighting and grow sps!
  5. You shouldn't need to use any dosing if your only growing softies dude, the salt mix will have enough nutrients in it for them to be healthy and happy.
  6. Mushrooms, leathers, some zoas, polyps etc. Dunno bout lps like hammers, would probably be ok towards the top of the tank I guess.
  7. Should be able to grow some softies etc.
  8. Is your tank by chance a Jewel 450ltr?
  9. Thw only good reason to not get an fx5 is if you can't afford one.
  10. Bluray is only any good if you are really fussy like me and like watching movies in high definition, sounds like you may need to clean your dvd players laser and also when you hire a movie get them to re coat the disc, this is what I do as I got sick of going back and forth to the video store years ago. Bluray is excellent on bigger tvs, anything smaller than 32" and I don't think you would notice much difference to be honest.
  11. Some of fhe nicest reef tanks I've seen are bb, If you're going to focus on some of the harder corals like sps I think bb suits the look.
  12. Would work on driftwood as well but then I would leave the driftwood either soaking in a tub of highly concentrated water with loads or chlorine remover or out in the sun until you can't smell the bleach anymore. For plants and decor don't leave it in the bleach solution for more than 3-4 minutes, especially plants.
  13. A 1:20 bleach to water solution works just as good if not better than excel. Cheaper way to treat your plants and tank decor.
  14. The only issue I see with keeping minnows with discus is that minnows prefer lower temps than discus.
  15. Nothing is permanently gone off the internet.....
  16. Swords are heavy root feeders, the jbl balls need replaced usually every 6-12 months dude. May pay to shove another couple under your big swords.
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