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Everything posted by Squirt

  1. :dunno: but if you shake it a lot it can give you unexpected readings (pH) due to CO2 mixing in and dropping the pH
  2. Lemon tetras? Edit: A link to wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemon_tetra
  3. I think he may be talking about hertrozygous genotypes of the parents? I'm not sure how the colour system works with bristlenoses but its plausible.
  4. +1 that glosso looks great! Nice tank :thup:
  5. I saw this awesome idea on a turtle forum, where they got some kind of spray paint and spray painted the bottom of the tank and it looked like sand, only without the sand. I'll try to find you a link tomorrow.
  6. Squirt

    The What's Up? thread.

    Been selected by my school to apply to go to forum 2013 :happy2: :smln:
  7. Pretty much a +1 to what F15hguy said OT: Earlier this year we did a biology experiment, where we observed the patterns of life in rock pools. F15 pretty much confirmed my findings, that in rock pools further from the sea had less life in them due to variation in salinity, temperature ect. And their adaptations which allow them to survive in this environment.
  8. The amount of lighting you require depends on the amount of Ferts/CO2 you plan on dosing as well, plus which plants you plan on growing. But I got a lamp fixture from mitre 10 for $10 and $5 for the bulb :thup:
  9. Squirt

    The What's Up? thread.

    Because he's a mighty fine photographer? Love the grass photos Joe!
  10. I thought it said rocks? Or is this applicable to rocks as well?
  11. Check out the turtle habitat, its awesome! :slfg: :thup:
  12. Squirt

    The What's Up? thread.

    Went to the National Aquarium today. Spent like an hour and a half in front of that turtle tank. !drool: if I ever make a habitat it will be like that size! Lucky turtles!
  13. From a little bit of reading it sounds like it will contain potassium and raise your pH? Of course this isn't 100% the same but... http://www.ehow.com/how_8780199_burn-wood-leaves-make-potash.html
  14. +1 nice tanks, you could use a single colour background to make it look less cluttered I guess.
  15. Squirt

    The What's Up? thread.

    Just saw Ted. That aquarium was awesome !drool: Very funny movie! :slfg: [inappropriate for younger viewers though]
  16. Would it be possible to get the plants established first, then increase flow?
  17. Haha, no it didn't. I never saw it again after I put it in there :nilly: Hi Yeah that is his basking dock where he can get out and well... Bask Matt
  18. Re did the tank today 8)
  19. So in Iras logic 1000L=1m^3 or 1000m^3=1L? :sml1:
  20. I think Critter Crazy clarified this for him? Freshwater puffers are generally dwarf puffers in NZ.
  21. I have heard that when they are full of snails, they will kill all the rest polluting the tank.
  22. If they're dwarf puffers, you will have to have a different tank for the snails, either wise the puffers will eat them all. You should have ramshorn snails as MTS's shells can be too hard. Some people have had success with ottos but they can be very aggressive See here for more information: http://www.dwarfpuffers.com/
  23. I think flourish comprehensive is just micro nutrients. That means you will still need to dose Macros (flourish nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). Or you can look into estimative index dosing (I won't write you an essay because there heaps out there)
  24. Tip 1: Put your lights on a timer when you go on holidays for about 2-3 hours a day, enough to keep the plants alive, but not too much to get an algae outbreak. Tip 2: Make sure to plug your lights into the timer! :slfg: Tank melted a bit after a 3 day holiday :facepalm: starting to recover though.
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