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Everything posted by Squirt

  1. It's been upgraded I think Reference Number: 3732830 NZST: Tue, Jul 3 2012 10:36 pm Magnitude: 7.0 Depth: 230 km Details: 60 km south of Opunake Decent quake, tank levels were 10cm below top and water still nearly sloshed out. Squirtle is still chilling though 8) Stay safe.
  2. Squirt

    The What's Up? thread.

    So did we, bit of tank sloshing...
  3. +1 to all of the above. Glosso will grow upwards with low lighting, I have close to 5 watts per gallon and it still has a little bit of upward growth. I too think that individual planting of each plantlet will give you better results. I originally plated them in big clumps like you, then had a OCD kick in and planted them all individually. One singular theme looks better IMO, the rocks on the right looks cool though. Lastly, the glosso on the right will require frequent trimming to keep it grounded, it requires high light as well so I am unsure how well it will do in a deep tank like that. Good luck and I look forward to progress.
  4. Never seen any algae like that.
  5. Plus it depends on tank size, whether a water change was done and how much was fed.
  6. It might be due to the tank not being cycled, hence the ammonia building up and burning their gills. I may be wrong but at higher pH levels ammonia becomes more toxic.
  7. I bought some Flourish Nitrogen today from Kapiti Kritters and they chucked in some Dwarf Hairgrass :happy1: :happy2: Thanks!! Wee update (sorry for quality, I'll get some better ones when I find the camera) FTS Picture of the DHG Did a trim today as well, glossos growing well
  8. I've heard that top soil capped with flourite works.
  9. +1 This conversation has become extremely confusing.
  10. Yeah, I went round today and well anther crack down the other end of the tank has developed. I told her to look into replacing the bottom panel or go to the LFS to get a custom made fish tank made. I figured it wasn't safe patching two cracks.
  11. Do we even have pantadon butterfly's in NZ? Archer fish are pretty cool too
  12. I think it was because it was sitting on a trapezium shaped tv stand and that corner wasn't on the stand hence the crack Thanks all for the suggestions I will head around soon and install the patch.
  13. Cool :spop: Remember you can increase PAR with good reflectors. Looking forward to pics
  14. Oh ok, so adding a glass support would help aswell? Just for peace of mind? I've got some 180 grit sandpaper from my last project so will just use that. She said she'll pick up some silicone (aquarium safe) tomorrow so I will see how it goes :thup: Thanks
  15. Hi all, My neighbors tank has cracked. Tanks roughly 90x30x45cm (LxWxH). It is the base of the tank and it has cracked in an X shape, about 20x20cm. What would be the best course of action? Repair the base with a glass patch and silicone in between, or replace the whole base of the tank. Is it safe to patch it? Would use 5mm glass. Since it is in the corner, I would have to remove some silicone on the inside and then place the glass in the corner so it sits flush to the side glass (does that make sense? :roll: ). Other option which is clearly more expensive is to replace the whole base, remove the silicone and clean it up then replace the base. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks
  16. Squirt

    The What's Up? thread.

    Finished my physics project (to drop an egg without it breaking from a height). Will see how it compares to others tomorrow :spop:
  17. Turtles + fish normally = :dead%fish Would frogs survive in a tropical tank? And is there any diseases that could be transmitted?
  18. Small update. Pretty happy of the tank except I've got to make the rocks on the LHS of the tank to look more like one rock.
  19. Cheers, I follow yours too :spop: I had some massive OCD this morning, tore up all the plants and planted them individually two hours later I had finished. Still waiting on the fertilizers to arrive... :spop: How long of a photoperiod should I have? Currently doing 6 hours with 15W of CFL. Will up it once I get more plants, fertilizers and when I get round to buying a new light :digH:
  20. Very cool, went there today, quite big not much fish stock at the moment though.
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