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Everything posted by blueether

  1. Alan: http://s969.photobucket.com/user/Jason127/media/Reptiles%20and%20Amphibians/Leopard%20Gecko/IMG_4197_zpsfc4a6a34.jpg.html
  2. Maybe not too small: https://plus.google.com/photos/113298704761943818357/albums/5951614692819955329?banner=pwa Center frame: half a dozen here: Edit: They seem close to neutral buoyancy, some falling some slowly floating. Tail up head down. Staying in mid water column and not photophobic. Edit 2: Being free swimming and staying in open water would strongly suggest that they would normally have a marine phase. Will be interesting to see if any survive in freshwater - there are 4 fat bully fry now
  3. :bounce: one of my shrimp has just released free swimming larvae/shrimp :bounce: Caught in berry so I cant claim full breeding in an aquarium, although I have had some become berried in an aquarium. They are too small to photograph, and I can't see them surviving as there are 3 bully fry in the same tank that I have raised from post larvae - about 6-7mm now about 12mm
  4. For anyone that wants to order the book, pre-order is now available from Fishpond
  5. well it is actually the bees that make the decision where to set up the new home not the queen, although the bees will return to their hive if for some reason the queen doesn't make it to the new home. It is probably too late in the season for many swarms now. You could buy a 'nuc' hive to start with, they go for about $150, a full hive will go for $250-300. I, just last week, had 40 hives stolen - you do the maths on how much this just cost 'me'...
  6. I only use conditioner if I do a large water change > 50%. I did the maths on it once (using die off rates for I think it was sewage treatment bacteria) and the NZ allowable chlorine levels, and I think that at the max chlorine allowed a 25% water change would kill 25 - 50% of the bacteria in your filter. Under ideal conditions, lots of food and about 28 deg, the bacteria population should double in 24h in the filter. Also note that the population of bacteria is always running a just under starving point, that is there is more bacteria in there than what is needed. Please note that all the above is not all based on the species of bacteria in your filter, optimum conditions and lots of fudge.
  7. do an image search for inanga, the most common of the whitebait. and the profile pic of mine is also one of thee species that make up the whitebait run - this one grows to around 450mm or more
  8. They look like Very-white Bait to me Inanga :dead%fish
  9. no tanks but I could get a couple of 200+ L stainless tanks and a hand if needed
  10. No and again, No EVERY hive in the north island will have varroa, and almost every hive in the south. There might be the odd wild hive in the most out-of-the-way-places that have missed out on the joys of varroa, but I doubt it. With the introduction of varroa it is now very unlikely that any wild hive will survive into its second year
  11. photo #8 in first post, definitely looks like a Cephalopod... Would be cool, except I seem to have lost your number when I changed phones
  12. many fish of one species => fish many fish of more than one species => fishes
  13. yeh this w/e if all goes to plan. Mid afternoon?
  14. I can vouch that is a good read, although less lighthearted Just waiting for the autographed copy to turn up...
  15. Who would have thought that two Ultra users would turn up here? :bounce: PS thanks for the updated pricespy listing, always good to know that your device has dropped by $80 :slfg:
  16. kingsoft office should run on most androids, but your experience will vary depending on the power (CPU & RAM) of the device. For usability I would go for 7" as a min, 10" if you are going to be doing lots of work on it. If you want ease of use look int getting a wireless keyboard/mouse as well, either using usb OTG or bluetooth.
  17. get yourself a xperia z-ultra, so nice to use
  18. Got the wrong weekend, will be over next weekend
  19. I'll be in welcome bay on saturday for lunch
  20. I can grab them if no one in the bay takes them, I think I have just scored a ~500+ L tank ( looks to be about 1.5 x 1 x .5, so may be closer to 750 L) for going outside on the verandah :bounce:
  21. Have used similar ones for filtering honey at work, the lasted years. I think the ones that we have at the moment are 200 or 250. When we were packing honey for retail we used 100 micron socks I think
  22. blueether

    Pool clean

    Damselfly, dragonfly are much fatter and ugly
  23. I have a peace lily and spider plant growing above my native tank:
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