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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Please note this thread was revived from July 2011.
  2. ...and don't just throw it away either! Burn it.
  3. Conference is always fun and a great time to put a few faces to names. Sponsors have always been generous for this event and it looks like there will be something for everyone in the workshops. Hopefully we will see you there! I am especially looking forward to the after dark tank crawl and have cleared the camera cards and charged up the batteries! :happy1:
  4. This is not necessarily so. I have several pieces of driftwood picked up from the beach. They were just hosed off and added to the tank. No boiling or soaking required as they were already waterlogged and never leached any tannins (only some do this). The salt washes off and any remaining is so diluted in the tank as to be negligible.
  5. I suggest you pull out as much of the cyano as you can first, before doing the blackout. This will mean less to pollute.
  6. It would help if you could work out the reason for the patchiness before you start adding meds of any kind. Does it look as if it is an over-production of the slime coat? If so, that could indicate a parasite or something irritating the body, perhaps poor or incorrect water conditions?
  7. Every year my parents' church puts on a fund raising dinner with a fun theme. This year it was Alice in Wonderland. I volunteered to make the 100 cupcakes (and a few tarts of course) required for dessert. My friends came to my place for lunch on Friday and helped decorate them... At the dinner, ready on the plates... I did not make the "teacups". These were made using ice cream cones, cut in half and iced onto a Dundee biscuit. The handles were snake lollies. Inside we added a Jaffa and a tea bag with a red heart and "Drink Me" written on it. Here is a pic of me as Alice, Grant as the Mad Hatter and my parents, Tweedledum and Tweedledee. I had the flamingo and a hedgehog - anyone for croquet?? :happy2: Everyone enjoyed themselves and we raised over $800. :happy1:
  8. Probably, though it is more age than size. They need to be old enough to breed. I have found them to be sporadic breeders. They will do nothing for ages then suddenly produce continually for a few months then stop again. This repeats over the years.
  9. Caryl

    Mary Ann

    Hi and welcome Maryann. Hopefully you will soon be breeding those bristlenoses as they manage pretty much on their own (if they are in the mood). Genetics will determine how many fry will be long finned, or albino. Good luck. Make sure you have plenty of caves or tight places for them (they particularly like driftwood) and I am sure you will soon have fry all over the place!
  10. I only have one tank in the lounge these days so it uses so little power it is insignificant.
  11. This would make a wonderful Aquarium World article! (hint hint) :love:
  12. I would like to point out that art is subjective and if someone is willing to pay someone else for their "art" then more power (and money) to them. Those who appreciate the works of the mentioned artist will be grateful for the link. The rest of you should keep your opinions to yourself!
  13. Try lying a large glass or plastic container on its side with a feeder pellet to attract the plec in. Once it, put your hand over the end and lift container with plec inside. Easier than using nets.
  14. Do we actually have true endlers in NZ?
  15. They were very popular back in the 80's. They are not as prolific as guppies and I guess they lost favour when more colourful tropicals became more readily available
  16. Been here for years. I have bred them and so have many others. A lovely little cold water livebearer.
  17. I agree. Most of the original posters no longer frequent these forums, and I know some do not have the fish they had back then.
  18. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    We will be boating down the Sounds tomorrow but at the moment I am scrolling through lolcats... Sorry Donna :slfg:
  19. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Good on you Squirt! :thup: Neighbour just came over with some cupcakes from 5 yr old Chloe's birthday party. They are moving next week (the neighbours I mean) and I will miss them
  20. The car with all the aerials belongs to my husband. We own a computer company and he is an Amateur Radio operator. I think, as said, computer people are more likely to use forums than there being a specific link but there do seem to be a large number of computer enthusiasts in the fish keeping world! :happy2:
  21. Yours was late last time too wasn't it Jim? I wonder if your postie has a read first!
  22. I bet a gorilla pinched it! :slfg:
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