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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Set up oven to turn on automatically while I am at work. Have dinner arrangements all organised so I can get home from work and meal will be ready for our expected guests. Forgot the power was being turned off today!!!!! :an!gry Hmm, supposed to be back on at 4pm so perhaps I can convince the builders to turn the oven on for me when the power comes back on :thup:
  2. All the best for your birthday Donna. Are the turtles putting on a party?
  3. It was an interesting thread and I thank you all for not turning it into a flame war. As it seems to have come to an end I will lock it 8)
  4. Too late for 2013 as they have had enough trouble finding suitable rooms for conference and could not find anything to incorporate a Show as well. We tried to get a Show at conference last year but that fell through as well. Organising a conference and a Show at the same time is too much for those involved since the majority doing the Show are also heavily involved in conference. We also have to bear in mind the current location of the Show paraphernalia (Hamilton I believe) and the cost of moving it elsewhere. I think Napier may have been considering giving it a go as they have held Shows in the past. Pardon me, I just realised we have gone :smot: Back to fighters please. Those with fighters could consider a mini Show, especially in Christchurch if that is where most seem to be. Not sure if they would be keen with the quakes still going on though. The NZKA used to have annual mini shows at their AGM's and Wellington once had a Livebearer Show.
  5. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Just had someone drop off a silver shark and a danio. Said they would be flushed otherwise. Not sure how the shark will go in my tank but I have nowhere else to put it! Lots of hiding places for the poor thing as I gather they are better off in huge tanks and shoals of 5 or more
  6. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    You need another club member to verify for you Ant. They must also be a month old (the fry that is, not the club member) :lol: No I did not find the missing fish :dunno:
  7. We have been considering holding another National Fish Show but it is difficult getting people willing to help. Many talk the talk but when it comes to walking the walk, suddenly they are unavailable, or the time doesn't suit, or they have to work that weekend etc. :roll:
  8. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I have just cleaned out the Jebo for the first time in about 18 months - 2 yrs, and did a water change on the tank for the third time this year. I now have to put royal icing on top of the almond icing on the fruit cake for an anniversary this weekend. Why do I get the feeling Joe doesn't like sport? :lol: :slfg: Something that can also cause 'problems' in life is being a tee totaller. People do not understand how others can live perfectly happy lives without alcohol. The funniest thoughwas the man who, on hearing we did not drink, looked horrified and exclaimed "But how do you celebrate??" We pointed out we did so very well, had a great time, did not do anything we were ashamed or embarrassed about, and remembered it all the next day 8) Congratulations on the fish and eggs Ant :thup:
  9. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I spent this gorgeous day at work. Not all bad though as it was the boss's 80th birthday so I made him a red velvet cake with cream cheese icing. We have been eating it all day :love: We also took him to the Poppy Thai Restaurant for lunch. It didn't matter that we were a bit late back since he was the boss
  10. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    My daughter got zombiefied!!!! The one on the left is mine.
  11. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Grant did some computer work at the Makana Chocolate Factory and brought home some Macadamia Butter Toffee Crunch. Very more-ish!!! They have a big bin of "ends" to which the staff can help themselves. They always tell him to do the same :love:
  12. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    You may have to explain to the youngin's what floppy drives are
  13. There are some on Trade Me. You can also ask here in the private trade and exchange
  14. Never post anything on FB that you don't want someone to see and you will be fine. 8)
  15. Just don't put any details on it and make sure your privacy settings are set so only your friends can see your page. I have one, just so I can keep track of the kids. You will have to see a lot of rubbish that you wonder why people would bother posting in the first place but that is part and parcel of Facebook, it attracts idiots and those who think the world is interested in every little thing they do. It is a great way for friends and families to keep in touch when they are spread over the country, or world.
  16. Anyone who belongs to an FNZAS affiliated club can register a breeding. Each club should have a breeding co-ordinator.
  17. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Well, swum about 20 laps, had a nice lunch and the cakes are out of the oven. If I look out my window I see a young, stripped down to T shirt and shorts, apprentice painting the fascia ready for the new guttering. It is a lovely day here and 21 degrees. Perhaps my goldfish will actually spawn this year!
  18. Fish can be blinded through disease or injury. Their other senses seem to compensate for the loss and they manage to survive quite well without sight. Angelfish should live 10+ years.
  19. It takes all sorts to make a forum. Some are quick to learn and look for new ideas whereas others like to stick to the tried and true. We are all different and just because someone disagrees or says an idea won't work, doesn't mean you have to give up. If everyone did that nothing would ever get achieved anywhere! As signing up to this forum does not give you membership to anything else, you do not have to cancel anything, just stop posting. Very simple.
  20. Caryl

    Hi from Dunedin

    There is a very active, and friendly, aquarium club in Dunedin. Our Home Page has their details. They are also on Facebook. They will have plenty of people to offer advice locally and maybe even offer cheap plants and/or fish. There is no point testing the tank water if it has nothing else in it. You need an ammonia source to start the cycle and where you get that from depends on how you cycle. I suggest you contact the local club as I am sure someone could offer you some already cycled filter media.
  21. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I have just made two booze soaked (I'm not eating them) Christmas cakes. They need to cook for 4 hours so I am off for a swim and lunch with friends. The builders are ripping off our old, munted, guttering and replacing all. Almost finished the garage extension too.
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