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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    and Joe's got his computer back! :happy1: :bounce: Sorry it took so long :roll:
  2. Just ignore him. He always drones on :gigl:
  3. One of the neighbour's cats obviously approves of our new roof... aanndddd.... introducing......Denny Crane, who seems to have made himself at home... Unlike Pickles who, as soon as the door was open, shot out and disappeared over the fence! :roll:
  4. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Gorgeous day with lots at the Mistletoe Market. I bought these... and a closeup of one of the frogs...
  5. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Where have the nice warm days gone? It was sunny but wind was cold :tears: I am going to the Mistletoe Market tomorrow. It is run by the Lions every year at this time. Lots of arts and crafts etc. They close off the centre of town for stalls to be set up. Always interesting to see what is about and to get some good buys in time for Christmas. :bounce:
  6. We had a friend relate how he was woken in the middle of the night because his face felt wet. When he turned on the light he discovered the cat had presented him with half a rabbit! The wetness was actually blood and guts :sick: My daughter has gone to pick up her cats to bring them here to live, temporarily, as she is here, temporarily. Might have more cat pics soon
  7. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Grant has been working up Black Birch and a couple of keas wandered by, interested in what he was up to... They were not interested in flying away so he couldn't get any shots of the lovely red undersides of their wings but they have lovely patterns on the top anyway.
  8. My Dr used to breed Birmans. Since stopping that they have bought 2 Maine Coon cats. They grow BIG and fluffy. Lovely cats
  9. I love the way this thread has gone now for 4 pages but the original poster only visited here the one day and has never returned so not seen the ensuing discussion. :roll:
  10. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I love the theme song by Adele but listen to it, then play the theme to the Bond film Diamonds are Forever, sung by Shirley Bassey. Very similar!
  11. I gather you did not quarantine the new fish then? That was an interesting article and if you are keen to try his method then we would like to know how you get on. Certainly sounds simple and saves buying meds.
  12. You could also get white spot treatment. The temp raising only speeds up the cycle of the whitespot, it does not cure it. Do you know the cause? It pays to fix that too.
  13. You are a few days behind... viewtopic.php?f=4&t=61469&p=663978&hilit=eels#p663978 and your sentiments are shared by many
  14. I placed large barrels under the holes in the guttering Can't do that now as they just replaced all the gutters! Also can't take rain run-off from the roof after they have moss proofed it.
  15. I thought Worf was a character on the Starship Enterprise
  16. I wish! I didn't overhear the comments, I saw them written in a newsletter.
  17. I seem to remember a lot of people in Palmerston North saying they got their water from a special tap (perhaps they have their own well?) at Wet Pets as the town supply was unsuitable for fish keeping. Can't remember what was in it though.
  18. At what latitude do seals turn into walruses? If they're heading north, they're walruses. If they're going south, seals. :sml1: That was my favourite question and I love your answer :slfg:
  19. ...OVER-HEARD ON ANTARCTIC CRUISES ..... Why are they called the Seven Islands? How far round does the coast go? What happens if the water gets higher than my boots? Is the great Auk still extinct? Is this island completely surrounded by water? Is that the same moon we get in Texas? Is there such a thing as a female sperm whale? Are there any more undiscovered islands? What happens to an iceberg when it melts? Does the lift go up as well as down? Does the crew sleep on the ship? Do the Vikings still cause ethnic problems? At what latitude do seals turn into walruses? When we get closer to the pole does it mean it will be more difficult to open those doors? When we leave here, when do we start to move?
  20. This is interesting as a number of years ago our club wanted to know if all pH kits gave the same reading. We handed out film canisters and asked all to attend the next meeting with samples of water, from tank(s) and tap plus any pH tests they had - strips, liquid, whatever brand. We also had a scientifically calibrated commercial pH probe. The kits ranged from brand new to many years old (and I mean around the 10 year or more mark for a few) and all, except the test strips, gave accurate readings that matched the probe.
  21. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Our recycling centre has a special bin for them. Do you have a centre near you? It is 29.2 here. No wonder the goldfish spawned. We also pulled out the 2 non-climbing climbers from the end of the pond and planted a Banksia rose and something I can't remember the name of 8)
  22. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    My cactus flowered today...
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