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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    It must be warming up as my goldfish started spawning this morning! :happy1: :bounce: :thup: :happy2: They did not spawn at all last season as it never warmed up enough &c:ry Grant has cleaned out the filter and got the waterfall running again (we turn it off over winter as it clogs too often).
  2. So he's the full Monty then? :gigl:
  3. New World In The Morning - Roger Whittaker
  4. I went back to the old as I couldn't find anything in the new. I then got an email asking me why I preferred the old layout so I replied that the old did everything I needed and I knew my way around it. They then asked if they could ring me to discuss it and ask questions about which features I liked, used, or wanted etc. I said they could ring me if they liked but I only used it to put photos on forums or for friends to see my holiday pics and I did not use any of the other features. It is a storage site as far as I am concerned and that is all I use it for. Indeed, I was not sure what other features it had that they wished to question me about! :dunno:
  5. Welcome. I think I remember some saying they have kept Ancistrus bristlenose catfish in with cichlids successfully.
  6. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Last lot out of the oven. Very pleased with how the little Christmas cakes came out. I hope they sell well and taste good!
  7. Not a stupid question at all. Some prefer to peel them in case of spray residue. Others just wash them thoroughly. You can slice them into rings and let them float or weigh them down with something so they stay on the substrate. Some weigh them down with cutlery, others wedge them under a bit of rock. I slice then thread them onto a plastic knitting needle with a fishing sinker in the middle. You can also but a thing called a screwcumber.
  8. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I have had a marathon baking day as my parents' church is having their fair on Saturday and I said I would help (Grant and I are their token atheists). This is what I have done so far... There's (from back left to right) ginger gems, 3 spiced fruit loaves, 2 ginger loaves, red velvet cupcakes waiting to have their cream cheese icing piped on and in front are M&M Party Cookies and a sultana cake. There is still 5 small Christmas cakes cooking in the oven and 2 tea loaves to go. Oh, there is fudge cake in the fridge I have to ice. When I bake, I like to bake BIG!!!! :bounce: :happy1: . If I am going to use the oven, might as well fill it to capacity Loaves are popular on the stall, hence the number. Perhaps it is a Christian thing and they think there will be fishes for sale elsewhere :gigl:
  9. We do not like to name and shame here, especially when we only hear one side. I am not condoning bad behaviour but there may be different people there now, or the woman no longer works there, or has since been re-trained or censured.
  10. Then I would assume it is not dropsy. Moors do tend to be more likely to drop dead than the more hardier comets and "normal" shaped goldfish. The shorter bodies cause digestion issues. Have you changed what you are feeding? I find some pellets and sticks (usually the really cheap ones) worse than others for swelling more once wet and causing temporary bloating until the pellet is fully processed through the system. Also, does it happen more at the beginning of spring/summer? It could be they have not fully come out of their winter semi-hibernation so try feeding porridge for a while (uncooked)
  11. You haven't been to the toilet since then??? :slfg:
  12. Then you should love these floofies. Taken in the Awatere Valley these falcons are the young from falcons that were released, one in 2008, and the other 18 months ago. Here is dad Porky and mum, Martha, and dad feeding I have been asked not to credit the photographer or organisation, or state more precisely where they are. Falcons are being used in Marlborough to keep the other birds away from the grapes. They work very well!
  13. Caryl


    On November 1st last year my husband did a reverse Movember and allowed me to shave off the beard he had had for 34 years. We promptly decided he looked better fluffy so he grew it back. Only took 2 weeks to get a full beard back again :roll: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=55661
  14. Offer it to others. There is usually someone wanting it and it is easy to post.
  15. My handiest fishkeeping tool is my husband :slfg: Followed by towels, buckets, hose, glass cleaning sponge thing and a siphon
  16. Jake Thackray - On Again, On Again. The Lodger and Sister Josephine. Great songs and clever lyrics.
  17. Your input has a lot to do with the readability!
  18. I do not know if there are any hobbyists in Taupo but there is no fish club there. Jim R tried to start one but did not get anywhere.
  19. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    You can admire them here too as they were taken from the forum
  20. Hmmm my extension is getting gib stopped and a door fitted. :gigl:
  21. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    The majority of cars on the rally were Ford Escorts. They just keep going! There were also a couple of Porche 911's, a Vauxhall Chevette, Datsun Sunny, Holden Commodore, Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla and Starlet, Nissan Pulsar, Mazda RX7's and RX3's, an Alfa Romeo, Fiat 131, Mitsi Mirage, MGB and a Skoda (who always came last). In fact one stage he did slower than the safety vehicle! :gigl:
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