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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    Hi all

    Welcome to The Fishroom. Did I meet you at the last meeting? 8)
  2. I like to use the ceramic noodles because they are vastly more efficient then any cheap alternative. As for rocks, it depends on the type. Some do nothing at all, while others will raise the pH.
  3. They should stand out Loopy. Speed them on their way please Actually, come to think of it, they should have already gone through there.
  4. Wonder if it is a lampeye or Norman's lampeye. Aplocheilichthys normani. It is a killifish. http://www.fishbase.org/Photos/Thumbnai ... fm?ID=2462
  5. I think if you pinch the tops out too they will branch out more and become more bushy.
  6. If it's coming out your ears you are planting it wrong Afrikan
  7. May Aquarium Worlds were posted yesterday morning :bounce:
  8. Can't be there Loopy but looking forward to seeing you at the end of the month
  9. Hi and welcome Ketan. Je suis Caryl 8) I am curious to know what mooneyes are and looking forward to pics.
  10. Good pics have a lot to do with the photographer, rather than the camera
  11. Could be swim bladder or constipation. Try feeding it a cooked, shelled pea.
  12. Fish TB is really bad news
  13. Both genetics and old age can cause curvature of the spine. My disease book says: "Is the body of one or more fish distorted by a curvature of the spinal column? Yes - The fish are afected by sporozoa or by tuberculosis." It then goes on the say to dissect the fish so you can examine the dorsal musculature for cysts. :-?
  14. Along with all the other advice, anyone near you got some filter media to give you? If so, that will go a long way towards cycling the tank and making it ready for the fish. The biggest thing is to add the fish numbers very slowly so the good bacteria in the filter has a chance to build up. I would forget the angels and start with the danios too by the way and the driftwood is important to bristlenoses as it aids their diet. Since this is a tropical freshwater tank, may I suugest you don't put the coral in? That looks out of place in a freshwater tank.
  15. Caryl

    Leopard Fish

    My hackles weren't up at all Mr Ed, I was just confused. Can't imagine them becoming a pest as they are not vicious like gambusia. I have never known them to particularly eat their fry either - mine never did.
  16. Go to a site like this for inspiration... http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2006.cgi
  17. If they have produced a lot first time chances are they will do so again. Pretend they're peas and give them a chance
  18. Nice and sharp billaney but colour overdone on the kuhlis Love the first pic but where are the blue rams? 8)
  19. Caryl

    Leopard Fish

    Potential gambusia? In what way? They are nothing like them at all.
  20. You can get spectacular results using CO2 but personally I have a well planted tank which has never had fertiliser added to it (apart from fishy poo), just has 4 daylight fluoros and no CO2.
  21. Why do you have a light on 24/7? All fish like to sleep and need a dark period. Algae will grow too with continual light. One fish will often grow faster than the others, it does not make the small one a runt, just the big one a guts :lol: Probably a male who will end up boss of the tank 8)
  22. Can't help with the problem but can tell you slate is inert and does not alter pH.
  23. Carbon doesn't last. Whether you use it or not is a personal choice but I never bother. I prefer to replace the carbon with ceramic noodles.
  24. Looks to me as if it has been in a fight and that is bleeding under the skin, like a bruise
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