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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Congratulations Janelle, they definitely sound like wcmm fry. The parents don't eat the fry very often but are there other fish in the tank? If so they will certainly chomp their way through them.
  2. Do remember that bloat can cause the scales to stick out too but only around the bloated bit. If it is bloat, try feeding it a shelled, cooked pea or using Epsom salts
  3. Show-off :lol: Gorgeous fish. Good to be in the right place at the right time isn't it? 8)
  4. Very hard to tell from those pics but I would think that fish has jammed itself somewhere sharp and damaged both sides of its head. If this is so, watch out for secondary fungal infections on the wounds. In the meantime, keep the water as clean as possible and make sure the other fish do not start harassing it. If they do, separate it until it heals and if fungus starts, treat with an anti fungal med from your lfs.
  5. Caryl


    Yeah that is all algae wilson. You can actually buy brushes with long wires on the end to clean the inside of hoses but I have only used mine once (and that was just to see if it worked - it did).
  6. To sterilise something, you must clean EVERYTHING otherwise it will not be sterilised There is a big difference between cleaning and sterilising. You could replace the cartridges, yes. After sterilising the filter and replacing the cartridges you could run it a couple of weeks on your disease free tank before stripping the other tank and it will help the cycle.
  7. If the female is still stressed put her in a separate tank for a while.
  8. White spot breaks out usually as a result of poor water quality or stress. It is like the herpes (cold sore) virus in humans - the fish have it dormant in the body but it will break out in the above conditions. Clown loaches are particularly susceptible to white spot. Filters get cleaned when the water flow has reduced. Wash gently in used tank water. If you alternate cleaning the sponges (only do one each time) you will save a lot of the good bacteria. Just give the other media a quick rinse when required. The male krib probably wants to spawn. Has the female got enough hiding places to get away from him?
  9. They won't care if it has two entrances. If they breed they will get rid of the sword if it is bothering them.
  10. If you want to totally strip it and start from scratch hoping any possible greeblies are killed in the process, I would do it this way (others may have other, and better, ideas)... 1. Turn off the equipment (heaterstat, filter etc) 2. Remove the fish 3. Remove the plants and throw them away (if you think they are infected with something) 4. Empty all the water out 5. Thoroughly rinse the gravel then boil it. Same with driftwood and decorations. If they can't be boiled, sterilise in bleach solution. Rinse really really well if you use bleach. 6. Wash the tank out with salt and water, rinse thoroughly afterwards 7. Wash filter and media in bleach solution. Rinse thoroughly. Spread media out in sun to dry out a few days. 8. Set it all back up again. Oh, I would also wash the heaterstat etc with a bleach solution too, again rinsing very thoroughly.
  11. They don't like it "small entrance big inside" like a bottle. They like it cramped. Easier to protect and the male is able to direct the water flow more accurately using his fins to fan the eggs.
  12. Caryl

    at my wits end

    I agree with Brad and we are obviously thinking along the same lines.
  13. Make up your mind. If you want them to breed they ain't going to do it in full view in the front of the tank! 8)
  14. Caryl

    at my wits end

    Have you tried no water change for a week?
  15. Caryl

    White spot help!

    If this is the tank you showed us a pic of the other day, I meant to say I thought it was overstocked but forgot as you were asking about plants or something else at the time. Whitespot is usually caused by stress - most likely from poor water quality. What are your readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
  16. A lot of algae does not like strong currents.
  17. They like tight places to hide so probably prefers the smaller driftwood crack to the vase.
  18. They look really cool but I have never seen them in NZ.
  19. I feed my fish mossie larvae and daphnia because they are FREE :lol: They only get it as an occasional treat though.
  20. Caryl

    HI There

    Welcome Navarre. Look under the clubs thread for details to Totally Tanked, a new ChCh club.
  21. The pics are so small I can't see a thing sorry. It sounds like the fish has hurt itself above the eye and has now developed a secondary fungal infection as a result. Treat it with a fungus medication.
  22. Why don't you just re-silicone it to the bit where it has come away? Assuming it is at the top of the tank and above the water line you won't need to empty any water out of it.
  23. Remember to wear something below the lil' blu 'at as well Alan!
  24. I have a group of BNs and more males than females. All live very happily. Yes, a male BN can have more than one breeding mate.
  25. No, they will need feeding. Got a friend or neighbour who can feed them? Even if they do it every 2nd or 3rd day only.
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