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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    Siamese platy fry

    Or email it to me and I will post it for you.
  2. Could be swim bladder or constipation. See if he will eat a bit of cooked, shelled pea. This is recommended if a fish is constipated. It is quite possible he will come right again.
  3. I was about to suggest getting rid of the kribs
  4. Are you going to post the link here too?
  5. Dixon1990 said theirs was on an angle.
  6. You would have got away with it if the tank was bigger. Any chance of an upgrade?
  7. If the club isn't much to join why would anyone bother? :lol: I assume you meant it doesn't cost much to join? :lol:
  8. Give up as the kribs are territorial.
  9. I so agree with you Alan. Fishless cycling is all the rage in the UK and cycling with fish is very much frowned upon but I have the same questions as you. Luckily I have not needed to cycle a tank for years (and when I did I didn't know that is what I was doing) as I just clone from existing filters. In fact, I have an AquaOne 1000 hanging off my main tank at the moment cycling for another club member. In a nother week or so he can go and get some fish just in time for his birthday 8) :bounce:
  10. Caryl


    What size is the tank and how many fish in it? What are the water test results? Sounds like a whole lot of stress going on in there. I suspect the discus is losing its protective slime coat, or over-producing one as a result of poor water conditions. Yes, the other fish will be eating it. I hope the tetra was dead before you flushed it!
  11. Sometimes it is the food and sometimes it is from your skin, depending on what you washed your hands with. A spraybar just breaking the surface will help.
  12. When I said "That's what they all say" I meant in advertising generally, not that particular killie. I have no idea which killies are available and in what numbers. You often see something advertised as 'rare' 'one of a kind' 'never going to import any more' etc. in an attempt to imply they are worth more than they are.
  13. One of our members made a huge moss wall the length of her 6ft tank by using the plastic coated wire mesh from garden centres. She held it up along the top using wire attached to the wall behind. It looked spectacular but she had to prune it a LOT as it kept getting out of hand.
  14. As I have never raised the temp for whitespot I can't tell you how long it takes. A few days at least. Someone else will be able to be more specific. The tank will take at least a month to cycle properly and the noodles will get covered in black 'gunk'. That is the good bacteria.
  15. I don't think curiosity is a trait found in plants
  16. Depending on the size of the pond, a few fry usually survive. If they all did you would soon be over-run by goldfish! :lol:
  17. Or perhaps the cardinal's earlobes :lol: Gorgeous pic Alan
  18. Plant more flat leaved plants 8) My fish haven't started spawning yet but are certainly out and about more.
  19. Caryl


    According to an article Sharn wrote, aviverm is levamisole. Dosage suggested was 1.5ml per 7.5L of water when using a 7.5% solution. She got hold of a 24% solution so used 1ml per 22L. She adds - NEVER attempt to pull the worms out of the fish as they are anchored to the intestinal lining and will rip it. Here is what she did... Do 90% water change, vacuuming the substrate very well. Add levamisole at the required dose (she mixed it in a litre of water first then added it to the aquarium) Wait 48 hrs. If fish look unhappy do a water change at 24 hrs. Do another 90% water change and vacuum (gets rid of the nematode babies)
  20. Have you tested the water? The other fish may die next if you don't know, and correct, the cause. Perhaps the pictus was more sensitive so went first. Check you pH, ammonia, nitrates and nitrites
  21. The tank is still cycling and your poor platies are very stressed. Clamped fins are a sign of stress. The white spots are probably white spot - caused by the bad nitrates (and probably ammonia as well). Water ager only removes chlorine from the water so isn't needed, or useful, unless your water supply has chlorine added. Do not go adding chemicals to the tank (like Ammolock or anything) but get some white spot treatment and follow the directions on the bottle. Some people turn the temp up to about 28C temporarily as this speeds up the whitespot cycle so hopefully you can cure it faster. Do daily 20 - 30% water changes to get those nitrates down and hope the fish survive the process. You added too many fish too quickly Are you siphoning the substrate when you fdo the water changes? This is important to suck up whitespot cysts and muck.
  22. Some of us don't have chlorine added to our town water supply
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