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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Not itself, just in the holes and cracks.
  2. I have never bothered boiling mine (as most were too big). I just scrubbed well with a stiff wire brush and rinsed out all the nooks and crannies.
  3. Very easily! I bet the tuna eat nemo and his friends too
  4. I would wait and see how effective the SAEs are first.
  5. Why do you need another tank? Shift the one you have (into the garage if necessary) while they lay the new carpet then put it back. No problem - except for finding 6 burly mates to help
  6. Welcome - and control yourself until you have the new house to put it in.
  7. Guppies can drop fry every 4 - 6 weeks and can drop several successive batches without needing a fella
  8. Hard to tell from that fish but fluorescent fish are also called Glofish and they are GE. Google will tell you all about them.
  9. When you have a sick fish the first thing to check is the water quality as 99.9% of the time this is what the problem is. Some fish are more sensitive to poor or bad water conditions than others. The most important things to test are the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels as this will tell you about the water quality. You can buy test kits from the shop or some shops will test the water for you. What size is your tank, how long has it been set up and what sort of filtration does it have?
  10. I hatched mine in a 1kg plastic Marmite jar using aeration. To get the bbs, I turn the aeration off then use a turkey baster to suck up the bbs which will be swimming in the middle of the water (or shine a light there as they are attracted to light. I then squirt the bbs into a white hanky I have draped over a funnel so the narrow end is in another container and the hanky forms a well at the top. The water then gets poured back into the bbs jar and the bbs themselves are lightly rinsed in fresh water before then dipping the hanky in the tank.
  11. xmamx - you need an excuse? :lol:
  12. They will breed in there whether you want them to or not :lol: If you want to raise a fair number of fry you will need to separate the pregnant females as she and all the other fish will eat the fry as fast as she drops them :roll: Temperature 24 - 26C is standard. Mine is actually a little lower than that at about 22 - 24C and the fish are fine.
  13. Never bothered with it myself and I have a heavily planted tank.
  14. Old credit card works well. Any direct sunlight hit the tank?
  15. Hard to tell what sort of fish they are without a pic but they do sound like dyed or GE fish. I believe you have both in the US. You are right to stay away from dyed fishes!
  16. Not sure what sort of filter is on one of those tanks but what about asking someone to put it on their matured filter to start the cycle ahead of time? Plenty of Wgtonians in here. Or get some used filter media from someone when you get the fish. I would suggest 6 guppies and 4 corys for the base as it is only 21L I think you said. The guppies will swim all over the place and your daughter will like the colours. I assume you have a heaterstat? Some lfs will test the water for you so you don't have to buy kits. In fact, once the tank is up and running there is no need to do tests at all. I suggest you join one of the Wgtn clubs then you will be able to get all sorts of fish and plants from members (often for free)
  17. Caryl

    sick oscar

    They can grow up to 30cm and a single adult oscar needs at least 200 - 250 litres of water. That is about a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft.
  18. Are the fry surviving? It could be the mother aborted early from the shock of what you have done. Doing a 100% cleanout is not good. Did this include the filter? If so, your tank is going to have to cycle again so it might be better if the mum and other fish eat the fry as you will trouble keeping any of the fish alive for a while now, let alone the fry. Just put the fry in the breeding net but don't be surprised if the angel sucks them out through the mesh. Keep testing daily for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates so you know how the cycle is going. You will need to do daily water changes too if you cleaned out the filter as well.
  19. Caryl

    sick oscar

    You will need to do daily water changes to keep the ammonia and other levels down. This is the best you can do at the moment. Do you have a filter on the tank now? Lights don't matter as you won't have live plants in there. If they survive all this then please try and rehome them as soon as possible. Anyone here able to help?
  20. Caryl

    sick oscar

    That is not big enough for one oscar let alone all the other fish in with it How old are they do you know? How big?
  21. Caryl

    sick oscar

    What size is the tank?
  22. Caryl

    Stiff thin tail?

    Assuming the fish is still eating well, if it was skinny I would assume some sort of internal bacteria or parasite.
  23. Do the vinegar test on it. With lots of holes like that it will be porous and may leach lime which will raise the pH (good if you have Africans though).
  24. Caryl

    Hello Again

    Welcome back Ainz
  25. My son's angels spawn on the filter uplift and ignore anything else he tries to encourage them on to. At least that is an improvement as they started by laying on the heaterstat. Hard boiled eggs anyone? :lol:
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