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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Are they actually lumps or just white spots on the gill plates? When they are ready to spawn the males get white spots on their gills.
  2. They are having regular meetings as they plan to take over the world
  3. I know there used to be test kits using litmus strips but not sure if they are still available. I think the problem may be with other litmus paper is that they can tell you if it is acid or alkaline but not accurately enough to be of use. I am only guessing though.
  4. Caryl

    HI ALL:)

    Who is this woman and why does she think she knows us? :lol: Long time no see Caper. How's that grandchild doing?
  5. Good to hear no fatalities so far. Keep a close eye out for white spot over the next couple of weeks.
  6. Caryl


    If they are dirty white and look like cotton threads they are planaria and harmless. They can get out of hand though with overfeeding and poor mainteneance. Cut back the feed.
  7. With so few fish in the tank there isn't going to be a major spike anyway, just a nice gentle cycle 8)
  8. I tried Java fern, because it is so hardy, in mine but it didn't last long.
  9. Do the rest of us get to find out what positions are being used and by whom?
  10. Then that removes the Malawis from the possibilites 8)
  11. Do you want a planted tank?
  12. Nothing to worry about. Air bubbles. They will disperse.
  13. Caryl

    tank mates

    Anything that can hold its own when the kribs start spawning :lol:
  14. Fish are very prone to tumours but if they burst I have no idea if the are contagious.
  15. MarkLB is right and not something I thought to say earlier. If you treated with fungal meds without removing the charcoal then the meds would have been removed from the water (by the charcoal) before having a chance to do anything.
  16. Hiya Vicki. I too thought a tank in the rear window would be cool Flat snakes take up less room :lol:
  17. I would suggest you leave them as they are and not add any more. Big fish need room to cruise without bumping into others.
  18. No idea what it is but I would prefer to sacrifice the one for the sake of the rest. It may or may not be something that will burst and spread disease but better not to take the risk. It is possible he would have paled and gone off his food as the next step of whatever is ailing him anyway and not as a result of being moved.
  19. I have seen them up to about 12cm and they can attack other fish by sucking the protective mucus off their bodies. Having said that, mine never did but I know of a number that did so
  20. You definitely do not put killifish in with giant gouramie or oscars. They are a fish best kept in a species only tank.
  21. It has never occurred to me to buy driftwood. I just go to the mouth of the Hokitika river and pick up pre-waterlogged native hardwoods that have drifted down from the river. Just check for soft, spongey bits - this indicates a rotten bit and it will break up and make a mess in your tank.
  22. Unless you want fry, I would get all male guppies. They are more colourful and no fry to worry about.
  23. That's not many fish (which is good) for a tank that size. You should see some changes soon as it it takes a week to 10 days before levels change as the tank starts to cycle.
  24. What exactly were the test results? Have you changed (or removed) the charcoal since you set up? Charcoal only works for 2 or 3 months then starts creating problems.
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